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Tag : David Brookes

Legitimacy is the watchword for social enterprise impact in 2020

David Brookes, Thursday, 20th February 2020 -  As the new decade kicks off David Brookes, managing director of Social Traders, discusses the growth in the social enterprise sector and the risk of “social washing” that has emerged

Queensland launches social enterprise strategy to double employment in the sector

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 18th September 2019 -  The Queensland government is injecting close to half a million dollars into the state’s social enterprise sector as part of a wide-ranging strategy aimed at creating more jobs for

New standards for social enterprise certification in Australia

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 12th June 2019 -  Social enterprise advocates believe greater recognition of the sector’s diversity is needed to help more for-purpose businesses win corporate and government contracts. Development

Predictions for 2019: Social Enterprise

David Brookes, Thursday, 31st January 2019 -  David Brookes, managing director of Social Traders, looks at what’s in store for social enterprise this year, as part of a series of 2019 predictions from leading experts across the

Victoria Launches Australian-First Social Procurement Framework

Luke Michael, Monday, 30th April 2018 -  Victoria has launched a “whole-of-government approach” to social procurement, with the Andrews government hoping to leverage its significant buying power to bolster the state’s

Job Creation Facilitated Through Social Enterprise Procurement

Luke Michael, Thursday, 9th November 2017 -  Australia’s leading social enterprise development organisation is set to embark on a new strategic direction, with the aim of creating 1,500 jobs for disadvantaged Australians

Calls to ‘Demythologise’ Social Enterprise

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 18th June 2014 -  A national conference has been told it’s time to debunk myths around social enterprise – given risk and recognition remain major barriers. A panel discussion at the…
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