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Tag : Detention

Canberra is changing its approach to refugees after years of struggle

Jana Favero, Friday, 5th March 2021 -  A petition calling for all refugees and people seeking asylum in detention to be released and resettled in a safe, permanent home by World Refugee Day has received cross-party support

Wrong way, go back on youth justice in Queensland

Paul McDonald, Monday, 15th February 2021 -  Better and longer care is a more effective way of dealing with youth crime than GPS trackers, denying bail and more punishment, writes Paul McDonald, head of the national Home Stretch

ASIO’s powers to detain children rushed through Parliament with a lack of public scrutiny

Simon Henderson, Thursday, 17th December 2020 -  The new bill grants extraordinary powers but lacks safeguards, especially for children and protection of their rights, writes Simon Henderson, head of policy at Save the Children

New data reveals lower rate of Indigenous kids in youth justice

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 19th May 2020 -  But Indigenous children are still 16 times more likely than non-Indigenous children to be under supervision The rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children under youth

NFPs Welcome Ratification of Convention Against Torture Protocol

Lina Caneva, Friday, 10th February 2017 -  The not-for-profit sector has welcomed the federal government’s move to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) describing the move as a positive…

NFP Report Claims Refugee ‘Torture’ on Nauru

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 18th October 2016 -  A new not-for-profit report by aid agency Amnesty International claims the Australian government is responsible for the deliberate and systematic torture of refugees on Nauru…


Custodial Cultures – What Are We Breeding?

David Crosbie, Thursday, 11th August 2016 -  Opinion: More revelations of horrific child abuse at the Nauru detention centre following on from the shocking footage of abuse in the Northern Territory youth detention centre

Refugee Advocate Says Leaked Nauru Files ‘Appalling’

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 10th August 2016 -  The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) says leaked incident reports from Australia’s detention camp for asylum seekers on Nauru has again laid bare the devastating trauma and…

PM Restricts Royal Commission to NT Detention Only

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 27th July 2016 -  Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has revealed that a royal commission into youth detention abuse, following the damning ABC Four Corners report, will be limited to the Northern Territory,…

Manus Island Refugees Take Legal Action

Eisha Gupta , Thursday, 5th May 2016 -  More than 700 asylum seekers held in detention at Manus Island have taken legal action against the federal government in a bid to bring them to Australia. Barrister Jay Williams, from

PNG Court Rules Detention of Asylum Seekers Illegal

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 26th April 2016 -  Papua New Guinea’s Supreme Court has ruled Australia’s detention of asylum seekers on Manus Island is illegal. Pro Bono Australia News has obtained a copy of the PNG

Baby Released From Detention

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 20th January 2015 -  In a rare backdown on border control from the Abbott Government, a baby that has spent its entire life in detention has been released. Lawyers for baby Ferouz, who has been detained…
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