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Tag : Digital innovation

Why digital-first is key to scaling impact in the NFP sector

Andrew Hill, Wednesday, 12th January 2022 -  The pandemic has forced charities to rethink their relationship with technology in order to do good and to do well. But as Andrew Hill writes, there’s still a long way to go. Not-for-profits…

Pause Fest opens doors to NFPs to boost innovation

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 21st October 2020 -  For the first time in its 11 year history, the festival is going virtual  Half of the tickets to Pause Fest 2021 are being donated to the not-for-profit sector, in a move organisers hope

Guide Dogs Victoria Embraces Digital Innovation

Luke Michael, Thursday, 14th June 2018 -  People with low vision or blindness could soon be able to cross the road at complex intersections without the assistance of a Guide Dog, thanks to a partnership between Guide Dogs Victoria…

Disruptor or Disrupted?

David Crosbie, Tuesday, 13th September 2016 -  Opinion: Not for Profits that invest in the quality of their interactions within both their existing communities and their potential communities, have little to fear from disruption,
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