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Tag : Digital rights

Apple is building surveillance capabilities into its products. Here’s why you should care.

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 2nd September 2021 -  Over 90 global digital and human rights groups are calling on the tech giant to abandon the announced changes. We dive into what these changes are, and why so many groups are worried. 

The power and the people behind our technology

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 11th February 2021 -  A new report uncovers the fragile state of our digital rights following the crises of 2020   While the role of digital technology to keep society functioning and connected is more

Why I stand with tech platforms who use end-to-end encryption

Sarah Liberty, Tuesday, 24th November 2020 -  Sarah Liberty, CEO of JustSociale, responds to Google’s worldwide announcement regarding encryption, and explains why it’s a positive step for human rights.        As of Friday,

Possibilities of the Humanitarian Robot

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 26th November 2018 -  With technology playing a bigger part in our lives everyday, Lizzie O’Shea is combining her work with Digital Rights Watch, and as a humanitarian lawyer, to ensure the digital world
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