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Tag : Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy

Increased attention to sustainable development goals

Teri Behrens, Monday, 17th February 2020 -  Philanthropic funding in support of the sustainable development goals has been shooting up every year since their adoption, and funders are increasingly collaborating to chart

Tainted Money and Tainted Donors: A Growing Crisis?

Michael Moody, Wednesday, 12th February 2020 -  New examples of the “tainted donor” or “tainted money” problem seem to keep popping up, and some even argue that the “cleanliness” of any money gained through capitalist practices

Increasing critiques of (big) philanthropy

Tory Martin, Tuesday, 11th February 2020 -  Recent critiques that philanthropy has gone awry are important and provocative appeals to hold big donors and major institutions accountable in a democratic society. Yet, some

As Donors and as Causes, Women are Taking the Lead in Philanthropy

Kate Pew Wolters, Thursday, 7th March 2019 -  The movement we are seeing today of women as leaders and funders is the outcome of decades of women’s leadership in philanthropy, not a sudden phenomenon brought about by political


Nonprofit Media is Experiencing a Growth Spurt – So is Philanthropy’s Response

Tory Martin, Monday, 25th February 2019 -  Major cutbacks across the news industry are fueling the growth of nonprofit news outlets in the US. Philanthropy is taking note, writes Tory Martin, from the Dorothy A. Johnson Center

The Boundaries are Blurring Between Philanthropy and Business

Michael Moody, Thursday, 21st February 2019 -  Philanthropy is increasingly adopting business means, while business is increasingly pursuing philanthropic ends – a trend which is likely to continue and expand, writes Michael
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