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Tag : Dr John Falzon

Faith without work(ers) is dead

John Falzon, Saturday, 4th July 2020 -  To slash JobSeeker and kick people off JobKeeper is not an act of faith, it is an act of unmitigated viciousness, writes Dr John Falzon, who says it’s time we reaffirm the connection

Vinnies CEO Resigns to ‘Fight Inequality Within Parliament’

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 21st August 2018 -  Dr John Falzon has resigned as national CEO of St Vincent de Paul Society to seek federal Labor preselection, vowing to continue “the fight against inequality within parliament”.

St Vincent de Paul CEO Seeks Labor Preselection

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 11th July 2018 -  Charity leader and opponent of the mandatory detention and offshore processing of asylum seekers, Dr John Falzon is launching a bid for federal Labor preselection hoping to drive

Senate Committee Endorses Plans to Drug Test Welfare Recipients

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 8th May 2018 -  A Senate inquiry has endorsed the Turnbull government’s plans to drug test welfare recipients, in the face of sustained criticism from health experts and the community sector.    

Australia Warned Not to Follow NZ Welfare Reform

Wendy Williams, Monday, 23rd October 2017 -  Australia must be careful not to follow in New Zealand’s footsteps when it comes to welfare reform, an international advocate has warned. Vanessa Cole, the coordinator for Auckland

An Ode to Those ‘Rich in Brokenness and Brimming With Dreams’

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 15th December 2016 -  National CEO of the St Vincent de Paul Society, Dr John Falzon has responded to former prime minister Tony Abbott’s crackdown on people who receive disability support by penning a…

ACNC Creates a ‘Red Tape Nightmare’ – Catholic Education

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th March 2014 -  A major arm of the Catholic Church has thrown its support behind the abolition of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) after the regulator was named as…

Not At War with Asylum Seekers – NFPs

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 23rd January 2014 -  Australian Not for Profits fear the Coalition Government is on a war-like footing with its asylum seeker policy. The St Vincent de Paul Society National Council of Australia has called…
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