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Tag : Forum

Not for Profits Grill Assistant Treasurer

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 9th April 2015 -  The Abbott Government has been accused of trying to silence Not for Profits as Assistant Treasurer Josh Frydenberg faced a grilling from the sector at a national forum. Frydenberg…

Social Marketplace Forum Cancelled

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 22nd July 2014 -  Financial constraints in the Not for Profit sector have resulted in the cancellation of the Social Marketplace 2014 – a forum which brings together leaders in social business.…

UN Criticises Australia’s ‘Strange Obsession with Boats’

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 18th June 2014 -  Australia’s ‘boat people’ policy has been publicly criticised at an annual global forum on refugee issues. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees…


Social Enterprise Confusion

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 21st May 2014 -    Even an award winning and experienced, globetrotting social entrepreneur can find the the term ‘social enterprise’ confusing! Daniel Flynn, Co-Founder of Thankyou Group

Partnerships Key to Social Impact Outcomes in Asia Pacific – Summit

Staff Reporter, Saturday, 5th October 2013 -  Understanding the unique demands of the Asia Pacific region and partnerships between government, Not for Profits and business emerged as key ways to achieve better social impact…

NFPs urge to ‘Rethink Sugary Drink’

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 2nd October 2013 -  Leading Australian health Not for Profits will hold a gathering of experts and community organisations in Melbourne to discuss Australia’s increasing sugary drink consumption.…

NFP Transparency Forum

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 28th August 2013 -  How much does the push for transparency encourage or discourage giving in the community and does concern for privacy discourage smart strategic philanthropy, a recent Melbourne…

Public Relations in the NFP Space – Forum

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 6th August 2013 -  Public Relations is increasingly playing a more significant role in the Not for Profit sector and the Public Relations Institute of Australia (PRIA) is hosting its first NFP half-day…

Doing Enough to Fight Global Poverty?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 2nd July 2013 -  A group of West Australian Federal political figures will take part in a Not for Profit forum tonight to debate whether Australia is doing enough to help fight global poverty. Deputy…
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