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Tag : Gemma Carey

New project to help social sector build a ‘better, brighter future’

Luke Michael, Friday, 8th May 2020 -  Researchers are looking to take the pulse of the sector   The Centre for Social Impact is launching a national research program to help the for-purpose sector re-tool for a more sustainable

Urgent calls for targeted COVID-19 response for people with disability

Luke Michael, Monday, 16th March 2020 -  The disability community fear that people will die without a coordinated plan Australia needs a targeted response to coronavirus for people with disabilities and the disability

Why the NDIS needs a pricing shake up

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 24th July 2019 -  The National Disability Insurance Scheme needs greater pricing flexibility to reflect local differences in costs across remote parts of Australia, experts say. Researchers at

Disability Services Fighting to Stay Afloat

Luke Michael, Thursday, 21st February 2019 -  Disability providers are struggling to meet the needs of their clients under the National Disability Insurance Scheme, according to a new report that warns the sustainability of

NDIS Lacks Data Transparency

Luke Michael, Monday, 22nd October 2018 -  The National Disability Insurance Scheme needs to release more market data so providers can offer services where help is needed most, a new report says.  The Centre for Social Impact’s

Coordinated Care at Risk Under Marketisation of the NDIS

Luke Michael, Thursday, 9th August 2018 -  Coordinated care for people with disability is at risk under the marketisation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), with providers fearful information sharing

The Issue of Equity in the Market

Gemma Carey, Tuesday, 6th March 2018 -  Markets are all well and good, but with the NDIS, we have to be careful that we don’t sacrifice equity in the name of efficiency, writes Associate Professor Gemma Carey. Market approaches
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