New project to help social sector build a 'better, brighter future'

8 May 2020 at 2:41 pm
Researchers are looking to take the pulse of the sector
The Centre for Social Impact is launching a national research program to help the for-purpose sector re-tool for a more sustainable future post-coronavirus.
This rapid-response research will be used to understand and support the short-term needs of the sector, while also providing evidence for the longer term.
CSI CEO Professor Kristy Muir said researchers would for the first time have the longitudinal data and research infrastructure to create an ongoing Pulse of the For-Purpose Sector analysis.
“COVID-19 and its aftermath is a new chapter in history,” Muir said.
“With this important work, CSI will help the for-purpose sector to understand what is changing overtime and to build back better for Australian society, for generations to come.”
With COVID-19 set to reconfigure Australian society, CSI believes a pulse of the sector will be vital to uncover how it is faring in areas such as finance, technology, human capital, and purpose.
CSI national research director, Associate Professor Gemma Carey, said now was the time to understand the implications of COVID-19 and reimagine the future.
“CSI stands ready to be a key player in supporting immediate relief efforts and arming the organisations and communities we serve with the knowledge and resources needed for a better, brighter future post COVID-19,” Carey said.
“This will be the first time we’ve had a national longitudinal consistent dataset for the for-purpose sector that will enable us to achieve this.”
Pulse of the For-Purpose Sector surveys will be held twice a year, with researchers undertaking tailored deep dives into various sub-sectors and issues where CSI has strong capability, such as homelessness, aged care, disadvantage and the disability sector.
Muir said while this required leveraging funding into the future, the investment from CSI’s corpus enabled it to begin work quickly.
“We have the right team to do this important project in partnership with the for-purpose sector. CSI holds a trusted space, balances transdisciplinary expertise with academic rigour and collaborates effectively across sectors,” she said.
“We already have support from organisations like the Community Council for Australia, Philanthropy Australia, Our Community, Infoxchange, Pro Bono Australia, and more.
“We know there is enormous appetite for this project, and we are looking forward to working with others to deliver it.”