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Tag : Gillard

Gillard Pushes Gonski Education Funding

Staff Reporter, Monday, 3rd September 2012 - 
Photo: The Federal Government’s response to the Gonski education review has been described as an historic commitment to overhaul the way schools are…

New Legislation Undermines Global Asylum Seeker System

Staff Reporter, Friday, 17th August 2012 -  The Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) has criticised the Federal Government’s legislation on asylum seekers, saying the changes to the Migration Act will have limited…

Changes to Charity Regulator Bill Recommended

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 15th August 2012 -  A Parliamentary review of the Draft Bill establishing Australia’s first Charity Regulator, the ACNC, has recommended key changes around reporting and removing the burden…

Victoria Wants Confirmation of NDIS Trial

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 8th August 2012 -  The Victorian Premier, Ted Baillieu, has called on Prime Minister Gillard to confirm that Victoria is to host a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) trial in the Barwon Region.…

Govt Urged To Extend Homeless Funding

Staff Reporter, Monday, 6th August 2012 -  Not for Profit organisations have called on the Federal Government to extend its funding of the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH) beyond the end of this financial…

NSW to Hold First NDIS Trial

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 2nd August 2012 -  The NSW Hunter region will be the first site for a trial of National Disabilities Insurance Scheme (NDIS) after the Federal Government confirmed an agreement with the O’Farrell…

NDIS Breakthrough – Liberal States Offer Trial Money

Staff Reporter, Friday, 27th July 2012 -  Last minute negotiations have seen a breakthrough with Victoria and NSW who are now set to have trials of the National Insurance Disability Scheme in their states. The Victorian Coalition…

Labor States Pick Up NDIS Trials – COAG Meeting

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th July 2012 -  The Federal Government has failed to reach agreement with Victoria and NSW on trialing the National Disability Insurance Scheme – looking to the labor states to set the scheme…

Govt Commits Additional Funds to Community Workers’ Pay

Staff Reporter, Monday, 16th July 2012 -  Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced an additional $1 billion to workers in the social and community sector (SACS) as part of its contribution to the historic pay rise awarded…

Govt Provides $15.2 million for NBN Training Services

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th July 2012 -  Some 36 communities across Australia will receive $15.2 million to establish local NBN training services as part of the Gillard Government’s Digital Hubs and Digital Enterprises…

Gillard Makes NDIS a Priority After Leadership Victory

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 28th February 2012 -  Prime Minister Julia Gillard pledged yesterday to make the
NDIS a priority 
Prime Minister Julia Gillard has pledged to make the National Disability Insurance Scheme, NDIS,…

Study Shows Impact on Households of Carbon Pricing

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th November 2011 -  An independent analysis of the carbon tax shows that it will have a smaller than anticipated impact on household costs, according to a report released by consumer advocate CHOICE,…
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