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Tag : Income support

Seven demands for new government, human rights conference for QLD, and a new low pay report

Contributor, Wednesday, 25th May 2022 -  All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.


Australia has handed the incoming Labor government a golden opportunity to work in collaboration to address

Could you live on $46 a day?

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 13th April 2022 -  That is the question ACOSS is asking all political leaders and candidates, after Labor confirmed it does not have plans to raise JobSeeker. The social sector has expressed its disappointment

Now is not the time to resume the old ‘normal’ service – we need a new approach and fast

Cassandra Goldie, Tuesday, 8th February 2022 -  Reports that Treasurer Josh Frydenberg considers the economic situation in Australia is anywhere near “normal” and that we can leave the next stage of Australia’s future to the private

Welfare groups condemn move to end COVID disaster payments

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 29th September 2021 -  ACOSS says the “snap decision” will hurt those on lowest incomes and is urging the government to lift the rate of JobSeeker The federal government’s decision to put a stop to COVID disaster

Three ingredients for effective income support reform

Sophie Johnston, Monday, 12th April 2021 -  Australia urgently needs an overhaul of our income support system, writes Sophie Johnston, who sets out the three elements she believes are essential for a new model. Navigating

Mental health and income support

Rachel Siewert, Monday, 7th December 2020 -  The Productivity Commission report into mental health showed the punitive nature of the income support system is adversely impacting people’s mental health. Given the issue

‘Reintroducing the liquid asset test is mean spirited and unfair in the midst of a recession’

Rachel Siewert, Wednesday, 29th July 2020 -  If you make people spend all of their hard-earned savings before receiving income support then they are left in a precarious position, argues Greens Senator Rachel Siewert. We are

Time for an Independent Umpire on Income Support

Marcia Balzer, Thursday, 26th April 2018 -  Baptist Care Australia executive director Marcia Balzer makes the case for an independent umpire to set income support payments and stop them being used as a political tool. How much

Welfare Needs a Radical Restructuring

Eva Cox, Tuesday, 5th September 2017 -  Australia needs reforms that address the “inadequacy of victim blaming models” and far fewer secure paid jobs, writes Eva Cox AO. Welfare reform requires radical restructuring

New Budget Standards Show Australia’s Social Safety Net is Inadequate

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 24th August 2017 -  Australian jobseekers relying on unemployment benefits cannot afford a basic standard of living, according to a new report, which is giving rise to calls from the social sector for

Logan Named as Second Trial Site for Drug Testing

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 23rd August 2017 -  The Queensland region of Logan has been unveiled as the second site for controversial drug testing trials that target welfare recipients. Minister for Social Services Christian

Sector Warns of Big Brother Welfare as Cashless Debit Cards Look to Expand

Rachel McFadden, Friday, 5th May 2017 -  Speculation is mounting that the government could announce an extension of its controversial income support model, known as the cashless debit cards, in its 2017 budget. In a statement,…
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