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Tag : Nptech


Implications of Mobile Technology for NFPs

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 2nd May 2013 -   It’s vital for fundraisers to fully understand the implications of the mobile technology revolution and to adjust their strategies accordingly, says Laura Boulton…

Fundraising Challenges Revealed – Survey

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th November 2012 - 
Photo: New research reveals that the two greatest challenges facing fundraising in Australia are competition and economic uncertainty. The Fundraising Institute…

Not for Profits Need to Embrace Mobile Technology

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th November 2012 -  BLOG: The time is right for Australian Not for Profits to develop a mobile strategy as part of their social media plan, says US Consultant, Rolfe Larson. It's amazing how fast mobile…

Australia’s NFPs Join the Cloud

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th September 2012 - 
Image courtesy: Connecting Up Australian Not for Profits are making improvements to technology efficiency according to new research which shows 66 per cent of NFP organisations…

New Appointment for ICT Org

Staff Reporter, Monday, 10th September 2012 -  Not for Profit community technology organisation, Infoxchange, has appointed Marcus Harvey to take on the appointment of Consulting and ICT Services Manager. “I’m…

Homeless Find ‘Equality’ in Social Media

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 28th August 2012 - 
Photo: Flickr A study out of the United States has found homeless people are increasingly engaging with social media because these sites give them a feeling of online equality and…

Facebook Rulings Affect Not for Profits

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st August 2012 -  FEATURE: The spate of Facebook scandals and recent rulings may be making Not for Profits leaders nervous or confused. Unsure of what to do, or what not to do? Social Media marketer,

WA Social Care Jobs Increase Predicted

Staff Reporter, Monday, 13th August 2012 -  Western Australia’s health and social care sector is predicted to resemble the strength of the State’s resources sector, according to the Minister for Training and…

Aussie NFPs Missing Out On Social Media Success -Report

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 18th July 2012 - 
NFPs are missing out on social media success Australian Not for Profits are yet to see the degree of fund raising and cause advancement success that organisations in Canada and the…

NFPs Becoming More ‘Tech Effective’ – US Study

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 12th July 2012 - 
Photo: A US Not for Profit technology staffing survey has found a sharp increase in the number of organisations with a formal technology plan. The annual…

To App or Not to App? The NFP Question!

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th July 2012 - 
Photo: As Smartphones and other mobile devices are being adopted at a rapid pace – more and more people are accessing the internet via their phone,…
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