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Tag : Pauline Hanson

Rosie Batty says the family law system is putting women and children at grave risk

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 23rd October 2019 -  The prominent campaigner is teaming up with women’s legal services across Australia to launch a new five-step plan    Family violence campaigner Rosie Batty is calling for urgent

We don’t need another inquiry into family law – we need action

Contributor, Monday, 23rd September 2019 -  It seems the driving force behind this new inquiry is Pauline Hanson’s recent unsupported claim that women often make up allegations of domestic violence in family courts, write

Different Does Not Mean Bad

Bill Gamack, Friday, 23rd June 2017 -  Senator Pauline Hanson’s comments that children with disability should be removed from mainstream classrooms could have a damaging impact on how disability is viewed in Australia,

Nearly Half of Australians Back Hanson’s Muslim Immigration Ban

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 22nd September 2016 -  Nearly half of Australians want to ban Muslim immigration, according to a new poll. A survey, conducted by Essential Research, has revealed that 49 per cent of people said they would

Society Must Stand Up For Tolerance Says Discrimination Commissioner

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 21st September 2016 -  Society must not be complacent in believing racism is just part of “an initiation rite” for any immigrant group, according to Australia’s race discrimination commissioner. Dr Tim

Hanson Faces Backlash Over ‘Divisive’ Maiden Speech

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 15th September 2016 -  One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has come under fire for the “crude, divisive, ill-informed Islamophobic rhetoric” that formed part of her maiden speech to the Australian Senate.


Brexit, Trump, Hanson – a Clarion Call to the NFP Sector

David Crosbie, Thursday, 28th July 2016 -  Opinion: Brexit, Trump and Hanson have fueled a robust discussion about safety and terrorism, disadvantage and elites. It’s an ongoing discussion the Not for Profit sector needs

Pauline Hanson Rhetoric Dangerous, Race Discrimination Commissioner Warns

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 5th July 2016 -  Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane believes Pauline Hanson’s rhetoric on race, multiculturalism and immigration, which includes calling for a royal commission
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