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Tag : PILCHConnect

Trust Seeks Innovative Technology Projects

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 27th February 2014 -  A publicly-funded Trust, set up by a former Victorian Labor Government in 1987 to promote the use of technology, has launched its 2014 funding round. The Telematics Trust is calling…

Court Decision Stops Charity Payments

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 19th February 2013 -  Potentially millions of dollars are at stake for the charitable sector after the Supreme Court in Victoria upheld an Appeal challenging penalty payments made to charities. Justice…

Court Decision on Charity Payments Reserved

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 31st October 2012 -  Legal experts claim that millions of charity dollars are potentially at stake due to a Melbourne City Council (MCC) appeal in the Supreme Court where the judge’s decision has…

ACNC Report Welcomed – Work To Reduce Red Tape Must Continue

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th June 2012 -  Community organisations have welcomed the release of the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission's implementation report, however they said work must continue…

ACNC Recruits High Profile NFP Lawyer Sue Woodward

Staff Reporter, Friday, 17th February 2012 -  Sue Woodward has accepted a position with the newly established ACNC. It has been revealed that one of the major leadership roles in the newly established Australian Charities and…

PilchConnect Warns on NFP Governance Reforms

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 31st January 2012 -  Specialist Not for Profit legal service, PilchConnect, says it has serious and fundamental concerns over suggestions raised in the Federal Government’s Not for Profit Governance…

New Charity Definition Needs Clarity & Accessibility – PilchConnect

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th December 2011 -  Specialist Not for Profit legal service, PILCHConnect says it is concerned to ensure that any restatement of ‘charitable purposes’ promotes clarity and accessibility…

The Trust Company Announces $5 million in Strategic Partnerships – PILCH a Big Winner

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th November 2011 -  The Public Interest Law Clearing House VIC (PILCH) is one of the big winners in a commitment to three year funding announced by fund managers, The Trust Company today. PilchConnect…

PilchConnect Gets Short Term Funding Reprieve from Victorian Government

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th October 2011 -  Specialist Not for Profit legal service, the Public Interest Law Clearing House (PILCH) in Victoria, has been given a short term funding reprieve from the Victorian Government.…

PilchConnect Contributes $4.3 Million to Victorian NFPs

Staff Reporter, Monday, 10th October 2011 -  Specialist legal service PilchConnect – which provides free legal assistance to Not for Profit organisations – had an economic impact of $4.3 million in the past financial…

Growing Disquiet At Government’s Draft NFP Tax Legislation

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 25th August 2011 -  Specialist Not for Profit legal service, PilchConnect and Melbourne University’s Law School have joined the growing disquiet about the Federal Government’s draft…

NFP Regulator Needs State Government Support

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 11th May 2011 -  Australia’s first free legal service for the NFP sector, PilchConnect has welcomed the announcement of the independent regulator, but says the states and territory governments…
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