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Tag : Politics

Holmes à Court’s candid views laid bare

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 7th November 2022 -  A new book gives readers an inside perspective on Climate 200’s fundraising and the wave of independents elected to the 47th Parliament. On election night 2022, the face of Australian

Focus on politics: Queensland

Angus Crowther, Monday, 18th July 2022 -  Angus Crowther and Rory Parker do a deep dive into Queensland politics and some of the “shocking” results. But were they? Queensland. Beautiful one day, confusing the…

How to end up with the best hand after a shuffle

Angus Crowther, Monday, 4th July 2022 -  Angus Crowther and Rory Parker reveal the ace that social purpose organisations need to keep up their sleeves following changes in government. When playing politics, it’s easy to

Focus on politics: Victoria

Neil Pharaoh, Monday, 20th June 2022 -  This week we’re switching up Happenings on the Hill and turning our attention to state politics. Neil Pharaoh takes a deep dive into Victoria, the parliament, people, and the election

Wrecking government – the challenge for us all

David Crosbie, Wednesday, 6th April 2022 -  When a government is no longer willing or capable of fulfilling some of the critical roles of government, where does that leave the charities sector? David Crosbie asks the question. 

The leadership crisis facing Australia

Kasy Chambers, Thursday, 31st March 2022 -  This should have been a landmark budget. Yet the biggest issues facing the nation have barely registered, writes Anglicare Australia executive director Kasy Chambers who calls

A picture I can believe in

David Crosbie, Thursday, 18th November 2021 -  David Crosbie shares some important lessons for all charities about the importance of image and images.  Henrik Ibsen the Norwegian realist playwright said: “A thousand words leave

What a week in politics…

Neil Pharaoh, Monday, 8th November 2021 -  An international bruising for Scotty from Marketing, Small Target affirmed from Albo, and The Greens and Palmer recycling old ambitions: the landscape for the next federal election

Australia’s COVID response could be undermining democracy. Why is civil society staying silent?

Robyn Gulliver, Monday, 13th September 2021 -  The social sector needs to find the will to drive politicians to deliver funding and policy decisions that will lead us to build back better, write Neil Pharaoh and Angus Crowther.

Sector pays tribute to Greens senator Rachel Siewert

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 30th August 2021 -  The Western Australian senator will retire from politics at the next federal election after 16 years of service  Social sector leaders are paying tribute to Rachel Siewert, whose

The six changes charities want to support communities in lockdown

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 28th July 2021 -  “Hopefully, governments will respond positively, and charities will be able to enhance our efforts to keep Australians safe and build stronger communities.”     An open letter

Let’s open government to NFP expertise and citizen voice

Craig Comrie, Monday, 7th June 2021 -  At the end of another sitting week, Craig Comrie wonders what would happen if question time and estimates became opportunities not for politicians to gain one up on each other, but
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