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Tag : Pre-commitment

Wilkie to Support “Watered Down” Pokie Reform

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 22nd May 2012 - 
Flickr image:  Some rights reserved by ragingwire Independent MP Andrew Wilkie has decided to vote in support of the Gillard Government’s National…

Church Feud on Poker Machine Reform

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 8th December 2011 -  The major Christian churches in Australia are at loggerheads with Australian of the Year Nominee, Fr. Chris Riley over poker machine reform. The major Christian churches in Australia…

Majority Back Gambling Pre-Commitment: Research

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th September 2011 -  Two-thirds of Australians (67%) support the Federal Government’s proposed gambling reforms – including mandatory pre-commitment technology on poker machines…

Salvos Clarify Position on Mandatory Pre-Commitment on Poker Machines

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 1st September 2011 -  The Salvation Army has been forced to clarify its position on mandatory pre-commitment on poker machines after reports the welfare organisation had back-flipped on it’s…

Australian Churches United Against Problem Gambling

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st June 2011 -  Flickr Image :  Some rights reserved by Jeff Kubina    With Australians as the world’s most prolific gamblers, the social costs…

Mandatory Pre-Commitment on Pokies a Must : Churches

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th April 2011 -  Flickr Image:  Some rights reserved by jemsweb  Mandatory pre-commitment technology for poker machines will limit the economic and social impact…

Churches Launch National Gambling Taskforce

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd March 2011 -  With Australia’s 90,000 problem gamblers losing an average of $21,000 each year, Australia’s major churches have banded together to launch the Australian Churches…

Legal Advice on Gambling Reform

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd February 2011 -  The Federal Government says it has received legal advice that it has the power to legislate to introduce reforms to address problem gambling. The Government has released legal advice…

Uniting Care Australia Calls for Safer Gambling Practices

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 2nd December 2010 -  UnitingCare Australia is supporting Federal Government attempts at an early roll-out of a full pre-commitment system over the next four years to reduce the harm caused by problem…

New Technology Reduces Problem Gambling

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th October 2010 -  New research shows "pre-commitment" technology can be effective in reducing the amount of money problem gamblers spend on poker machines and can help problem gamblers…
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