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Tag : Save the Children Australia

Next generation child safety checks with Oho cloud-based monitoring

Samantha Freestone, Tuesday, 23rd August 2022 -  Oho is a cloud-based online verification tool aimed at meeting the growing need for continuous monitoring of workers and volunteers responsible for vulnerable people. When an old

Is winding up on your board’s agenda? Maybe it should be.

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 7th March 2022 -  “We can spend so much time responding to the immediate challenges, that in lots of ways, these urgent needs crowd out the really important strategic conversations that organisations

The small chips in civil society

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 16th March 2021 -  Global and Australian humanitarian leaders say there is a growing trend of democratic governments muzzling civil society groups   A case in Italy against charity rescuers has prompted

Charities swept up in media bargaining fight, as Facebook cracks down on Aussie news

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 18th February 2021 -  Facebook is now promising to restore any pages that were inadvertently impacted by the news ban       Australian charities have found themselves caught in the crossfire of the media

Aussie charity joins UN Green Climate Fund

Luke Michael, Monday, 18th November 2019 -  The charity says it will use money from the fund to help local communities fight climate change Save the Children Australia is calling on the Morrison government to restart its contributions


The Charity Sector is Stronger When it Works Together

Paul Ronalds, Monday, 5th February 2018 -  Endless charities cannot expect to keep shaking a tin at passers-by on the street corner and hope to remain relevant. We must start working together more effectively, writes Save

Save the Children Australia and Child Wise Announce Merger

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 13th December 2017 -  Children’s aid charity Save the Children Australia and child protection agency Child Wise have announced their intention to merge by the end of the year. Save the Children Australia

Masquerade Ball to Support and Protect Our Children

Contributor, Wednesday, 26th July 2017 -  Join Save the Children for a mystical evening of fun, great music and fine dining – and help make the world a better place for children –  at The Masked Ball in Sydney on 16 February 2018.…

NFPs Outraged Over Refugees Left Stranded on Manus

Wendy Williams, Monday, 10th April 2017 -  The news that refugees on Manus Island who are not accepted by the United States will remain in Papua New Guinea when the facilities close later this year has sparked outrage from not

NFP Mergers – Survivors are the Most Adaptable to Change

Paul Ronalds, Monday, 27th February 2017 -  To survive in an increasingly highly-competitive and resource-constrained market, the NGO sector must get creative and start working more closely together, writes Paul Ronalds

NFPs Call on Govt to Stand Up for Australian Values in Wake of Trump’s Muslim Ban

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 31st January 2017 -  Not for profits are calling on the federal government to stand up for Australian values and make a “stronger commitment” to fulfil its human rights obligations in the wake of Donald

Australians Want Action on Refugees Says Poll

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 15th September 2016 -  Public attitudes are changing with two-thirds of Australians now believing the prime minister should take urgent action to resettle refugees by the end of the year, according to
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