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Tag : Seminar

Seminar Looks at Gender Pay Gap

Staff Reporter, Monday, 29th July 2013 -  A series of seminars set to address the financial saving gap between men and women will urge women to take more control of their finances. The Women and Money seminars will look at the…

Sustainability Seminars – Climate change: what companies must reveal

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 2nd October 2007 -  With climate change now firmly on the agenda in Australia, companies will be obliged to address the challenges specific to their sector and operations in their 2008 sustainability…

National Interfaith Forum

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th June 2007 -  The Australian Partnership of Religious Organisations will hold a National Interfaith Forum, called "Australian Faiths: Building Community Together", in Sydney…

Prescribed Private Funds Message Goes to WA

Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th October 2005 -  Recent legal and tax changes have made family or private foundations more attractive through the framework offered by Private Prescribed Funds (PPFs) and legal firm Freehills with…

BP Helios Breakfast Discussion

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th May 2005 -  A Melbourne business breakfast with the thought provoking title “Beyond Powerlessness” – Are we ‘wasting’ away?” is the latest offering…

New Tax Measures – Free Seminars

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th July 2004 -  New tax laws have been introduced from July 1st which apply to charities and the Australian Tax Office is presenting free seminars across the country to spell out the details. These…

National Economics Conference – NFP Offer

Staff Reporter, Monday, 4th August 2003 -  Business, community and government leaders are being given the opportunity to focus on national and international economic trends at a Melbourne conference later this month. The…

The Ethics of Giving – Public Lecture

Staff Reporter, Monday, 7th July 2003 -  To mark the start of the Swinburne Graduate Course in Philanthropy and Social Investment, the Asian-Pacific Centre for Philanthropy and Social Investment is hosting a public lecture…

Community Networking Experts Down Under

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th May 2003 -  UK-US developers of a far reaching initiative called Making the Net Work which is specifically aimed at the Not for Profit sector are heading down under and kicking off with a public…

Discussing The Size of the Third Sector

Staff Reporter, Monday, 18th November 2002 -  As the Australian Bureau of Statistics responds to the demand for better data on the Third Sector and all its parts, it’s time to discuss just how big the Not for Profit world is…

Employee Volunteering Seminars

Staff Reporter, Monday, 6th August 2001 -  Positive Outcomes, the corporate community investment people are running a series of workshops on employee volunteering later this month in Sydney and Melbourne for both corporates…
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