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Tag : Senate

Lidia Thorpe quits Greens, going to crossbench to promote ‘Blak Sovereign Movement’

Contributor, Monday, 6th February 2023 -  Thorpe leaves the Greens, complicating the Senate for the government. The defection means the Coalition and non-Greens crossbench can form an absolute majority. Victorian Indigenous…

Senate urged to ‘stand up’ for charities

David Crosbie, Tuesday, 10th August 2021 -  Time is slowly running out for charities to secure support for a disallowance motion that would stop controversial new regulations coming into effect Major charities have published

Pressure to boost Newstart grows with launch of Senate inquiry

Luke Michael, Thursday, 25th July 2019 -  The Senate will hold an inquiry into Newstart amid growing calls within Parliament for the payment to be increased.  A joint Labor-Greens motion to establish an inquiry passed on

Demands for Jobactive Overhaul

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 19th February 2019 -  The government’s outsourced jobseeker program has been slammed by a Senate committee, which found the scheme did not help people find work and in some cases acted as a barrier to employment.

Senate Vote to Increase Income Support Payments Fails

Lina Caneva, Monday, 14th August 2017 -  The Senate has voted against an increase to the Newstart and Youth Allowance payments by $110 a fortnight, with Labor voting with the Coalition to defeat the bill presented by the Australian…

Calls to Abandon Cashless Welfare Card Voted Down in Senate

Wendy Williams, Monday, 19th June 2017 -  The government, ALP and crossbench have voted down an Australian Greens senate motion calling for the controversial cashless welfare card expansion to be abandoned. The motion,

Senate Support for Legal  Assistance Funding

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 30th March 2017 -  The Senate has passed a historic motion led by the crossbenches and Labor calling for immediate action on the funding crisis affecting Australia’s legal assistance sector and the…

Disability Groups Unite Against Mobility Allowance Cuts

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 21st March 2017 -  Disability groups across the country have united in protest against proposed cuts that could leave people with disability without access to transport. In a joint statement released

Plebiscite Blocked By Senate

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 8th November 2016 -  The controversial $170 million plebiscite to legalise same-sex marriage has been blocked by the senate. The proposal was voted down in the Upper House on Monday with Labor, the Greens,

Why Tony Clark Should Replace Stephen Conroy

Tricia Malowney, Tuesday, 20th September 2016 -  It’s clear that we need someone in Canberra who understands the issues that affect all Australians, including Australians with disabilities, writes systemic advocate for inclusive

Hanson Faces Backlash Over ‘Divisive’ Maiden Speech

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 15th September 2016 -  One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has come under fire for the “crude, divisive, ill-informed Islamophobic rhetoric” that formed part of her maiden speech to the Australian Senate.
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