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Tag : Social Security

We need to invest in Services Australia and its workforce, not privatise it

John Falzon, Monday, 31st January 2022 -  You don’t build a strong economy by running down our social infrastructure, writes Dr John Falzon, who has joined with a number of civil society organisations to issue a Shared Statement

The cost of living, evidence talks, and back to the good things

Contributor, Monday, 26th July 2021 -  All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.


With lockdowns now in South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales, over one million people, including

The Australian government must uphold its responsibility to unemployed care leavers

Deb Tsorbaris, Monday, 28th June 2021 -  With care leavers in young adulthood three times as likely as their peers to receive income support, it’s time for the government to increase payment rates above the poverty line so

Welfare Advocates Push Back Against ‘Divisive’ Migrants Bill

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 12th June 2018 -  An alliance of more than 30 peak bodies and welfare groups have called on the Senate to reject legislation which would force new migrants to wait four years to access various social…

Welfare Needs a Radical Restructuring

Eva Cox, Tuesday, 5th September 2017 -  Australia needs reforms that address the “inadequacy of victim blaming models” and far fewer secure paid jobs, writes Eva Cox AO. Welfare reform requires radical restructuring

Calls For Overhaul of Welfare System as Talk Turns to UBI

Wendy Williams, Friday, 25th August 2017 -  Australia’s social security system has come under scrutiny in a number of talks held this month exploring the future of work and basic income options. Unions NSW, the Australian Unemployed

Snapshot Dispels Welfare Myths

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 3rd May 2017 -  Australia’s “welfare blowout” is a myth, according to the Australian Council of Social Service which is calling for an end to media attacks on people who are unemployed. ACOSS has

‘Crackdown’ on the Disability Support Pension Passes

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 23rd November 2011 -  The Gillard Government’s controversial changes to the Social Security Act – which includes changes to the Impairment Tables used to determine eligibility for the…
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