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Tag : Software

Accessibility-first mindset needed to make tech design equitable

Danielle Kutchel, Tuesday, 21st June 2022 -  “The more you think about it earlier on, the less you end up in a situation where you have built a whole experience and realised that there’s a huge subset of your users that just

On a mission to optimise your digital fundraising!

Mafe Quintero, Thursday, 8th July 2021 -  The iRaiser Group has come to Australia. Here, Mafe Quintero explains why online fundraising platforms are not just a smart investment, they’re a necessity. Developed by fundraisers

Open source, SAAS or custom built – how do we chart a source in a sea of IT options?

Jacqui Blanch, Thursday, 12th March 2020 -  The Xfactor Collective specialist business member Jacqui Blanch provides a useful set of questions to help narrow down the sea of web options. It is exciting to look back across the

Finding the Right Software for Your Not For Profit

Contributor, Tuesday, 26th September 2017 -  Over the last 10 years, Orchard Consulting group has been negotiating enterprise software deployment… from the buyer’s side of the table. This means Orchard Consulting knows the

Simplifying Multiple Standards for Not for Profits

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th August 2013 -  A new online solution to manage compliance and reporting requirements is set to help organisations adhere to the multitude of standards that currently apply to the community services…

Web-Based Software Makes Volunteer Management Easy – Sponsored Article

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th September 2011 -  Volunteer Impact Version 3.0 – the latest version of web-based volunteer management software from Volunteer2 – has recently been released, following a year and a half of design,…

Simplify & Automate Board & Funding-based Reporting

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 3rd February 2011 -  Essatto Software, an Australian software development company has released a new product called Essatto for Not for Profits – to help simplify and automate Board and funding-based…

Australian NFPs Plan Technology Upgrade

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th January 2011 -  Australian Not for Profits say they are planning to embrace new online technology in 2011, according to a new study. Research commissioned by web-based software provider, Advanced…

Specialist NFP Software Reduces Regulatory Burden

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 18th November 2010 -  Tasmanian-based software development company – 1024 (ten-twenty-four)- will demonstrate its client management system, designed exclusively for the community and Not…
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