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Tag : Statistics

Wages Rising at Slowest Rate

Lina Caneva, Monday, 18th May 2015 -  Australian wages are rising at their slowest pace since records began, according to the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics figures. The figures show that wages rose by 0.5 per…

Cultural Donations on the Rise

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 26th February 2015 -  Nearly $30 million worth of cultural items were donated to Australian galleries, museums and libraries in 2014 with the help of the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts…

Future of Volunteering Peak Still Uncertain

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 25th September 2014 -  The future of the national volunteering peak body remains in doubt, with no future funding commitments and a lack evidence-based data collection, the organisation’s CEO…

Corporate-NGO Partnerships Barometer

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 24th September 2014 -  Both NGOs and businesses are beginning to understand the greater value that strategic long-term partnerships can bring to address mission-focused objectives, a new Barometer…

Poor Left Behind – NCOSS Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th March 2014 -  Cost-of-living measures should focus on low-income and vulnerable groups, a new report by the NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS) argues. Drawing on data from the Australian Bureau…

Pro Bono Australia Celebrates Significant Growth in 2013

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th December 2013 -  Pro Bono Australia has experienced significant growth in the past twelve months ending the year with more than a million website visits and over 36,000 unique subscribers to our News…

Migrant Unemployment Higher Than Reported

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th November 2013 -  Official unemployment  figures do not reflect the true extent of joblessness among emerging communities, leading migrant and refugee settlement agency AMES Chief Executive…

Most New Australian Charities Focus on Children and Women

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th August 2013 -  Nationally, more than half of the newly-registered charities in Australia are focused on children, with another 30 per cent working to assist women, according to new figures released…

Average Wage Rising: Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th August 2013 -  The average full time weekly wage has risen 4.8% to $1,485.80 per week in the past 12 months, according the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics report. Those employed in the public…

Aussies Now Using 25% More Electricity – ABS

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th September 2012 -  Australian households are using 25% more electricity and 22% more gas, than they were ten years ago, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) latest Australian Social…

Snapshot of Australian Social Trends

Staff Reporter, Monday, 13th August 2007 -  Australians are more likely to be overweight, less likely to marry, and consuming more goods and services, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) flagship publication,…

ABS Report on Social Wellbeing

Staff Reporter, Monday, 16th July 2007 -  Just over half of Australian adults (54%) felt that they could trust ‘most people’, according to a report on social wellbeing from the Australian Bureau of Statistics…
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