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Tag : Unemployment

Anglicare Australia lays out plan for long-term unemployed

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 18th January 2023 -  Australia’s long-term unemployment has barely budged, but a major charity network has a plan to help people back into work. Entry level jobs are vanishing, and with them, opportunities

The unemployment rate and the jobs market

Isabelle Oderberg, Friday, 15th July 2022 -  What’s the real story behind Australia’s record low unemployment rate and how will affect people on the hunt for a new job? It’s been hard to miss the number of headlines

‘Dysfunctional’ jobactive system slammed by users

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 29th June 2022 -  People who use jobactive are frustrated at a lack of support from those supposed to help them find work – but there is hope the new system rolling out from July will be an improvement.

The TasCOSS Conference, the state of concessions, and service centre closures

Contributor, Thursday, 28th October 2021 -  All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.


There are fewer than two weeks left to register for the webinar on Reducing Long-Term Unemployment, the

Five ways to take care of your mental health during unemployment

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 12th October 2020 -  Losing your job can take more of a toll than you might realise. With World Mental Health Day taking place on Saturday, we take a look at how you can stay mentally healthy during your hunt

Poverty is trapping women in abusive relationships

Cathy Humphreys, Wednesday, 26th August 2020 -  The Australian government’s JobSeeker and JobKeeper payments need to be recognised as crucial tools for preventing domestic and family violence – and need to be maintained, writes

COVID-19: Impact on vulnerable Victorians

Mike Davis, Monday, 24th August 2020 -  Mike Davis shares findings from TaskForce’s demographic survey which shows how COVID-19 has prompted growing demand for drug and alcohol counselling services and led to a rise in

‘Reintroducing the liquid asset test is mean spirited and unfair in the midst of a recession’

Rachel Siewert, Wednesday, 29th July 2020 -  If you make people spend all of their hard-earned savings before receiving income support then they are left in a precarious position, argues Greens Senator Rachel Siewert. We are

The ‘second wave’ and the Australian economy

Joe Zabar, Thursday, 16th July 2020 -  Failing to address the unemployment and underemployment challenges facing the nation will have significant impacts on the social and economic wellbeing of hundreds of thousands

The job of bringing Australia back from the brink

Joe Zabar, Tuesday, 26th May 2020 -  Growing our economy with a job creation agenda at its centre is both decent and politically expedient, writes Joe Zabar, deputy CEO of Catholic Social Services Australia. The latest

COVID-19 helps shift public perceptions of marginalised Aussies

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 20th May 2020 -  The pandemic is changing the way Australians view others As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, more than one in five Australians now feel more positively towards people with mental

Through no fault of their own

Augustine Zycher, Wednesday, 6th May 2020 -  It took COVID-19 for people to recognise that without the unpaid, low paid or the lowly paid work of women, society could not function, writes Augustine Zycher, who highlights three
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