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Tag : UNSW

Your nature snaps could help restore Australia’s devastated bushland

Maggie Coggan, Saturday, 1st February 2020 -  The project has received nearly 200 submissions in 24 hours     Australians are being urged to swap Instagram for a new photo sharing platform documenting the recovery of bushfire-affected


What’s your impact?

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 6th November 2019 -  Global survey uncovers the impact of NFPs and a changing sector The behaviours and characteristics of charities from Sydney to Taipei will be mapped out by researchers in a bid to understand

One Million Social and Affordable Homes Needed to Combat Rental Stress

Luke Michael, Thursday, 14th March 2019 -  Australia needs to build more than a million social and affordable houses over the next 20 years to keep pace with the growing number of people struggling to pay their rent, new analysis

Accounting Model Highlights Social Impact of Government Spending

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 12th September 2018 -  A framework measuring the impact of government projects will revolutionise the way social investment is measured, an expert believes.     Richard Holden, a UNSW professor of economics

New Report Says Wealth Inequality Increasing in Australia

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 31st July 2018 -  The top 1 per cent in Australia receives as much income in a fortnight as the lowest 5 per cent gets in a year, according to new research, which says wealth inequality in Australia is increasing.

New Budget Standards Show Australia’s Social Safety Net is Inadequate

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 24th August 2017 -  Australian jobseekers relying on unemployment benefits cannot afford a basic standard of living, according to a new report, which is giving rise to calls from the social sector for

Explainer: Why Are Donations to Some Charities Tax-Deductible?

Fiona Anne Martin, Wednesday, 15th March 2017 -  Associate Professor Fiona Anne Martin, from UNSW school of taxation and business law, explores the arguments for and against tax-deductible donations, in this article which first

Charities Warned Over Fudging Financial Figures

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 25th August 2015 -  Thousands of charities will be contacted by the national charity regulator after they made “significant” errors in their latest financial reports. The errors were…

Lack of Certainty Takes Toll on NFP Planning – NSW Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 3rd June 2014 -  A lack of certainty in NSW’s community sector is affecting community organisations’ ability to deliver crucial services, new research shows. The research, from the…


Memo to Scott Morrison: Why Taxpayers Should Fund Advocacy

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 3rd June 2014 -  The Australian Government's current  view on advocacy is dangerous to democracy and to civil society, writes Dr Joyce Chia, Senior Research Associate at the Andrew &

Mental Health Education Best at Work

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th May 2014 -  Recent research has revealed for the first time that evidence-based workplace depression prevention programs can significantly reduce depression symptoms among employees.…
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