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Tag : Wages

Motivating Factors Protect Against Negative Stress

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 5th April 2018 -  The factors that motivate and engage people at work also protect them against negative stress, according to the 2018 Pro Bono Salary Survey. Now in its sixth year, Pro Bono Australia’s

Increasing Wages Would Make The Australian Economy Safer

Stephen Kinsella, Friday, 17th November 2017 -  A lack of wage growth is hurting those on low to middle incomes, with almost a third of Australian households “over-indebted”, writes Stephen Kinsella from the University of Melbourne

Wages Rising at Slowest Rate

Lina Caneva, Monday, 18th May 2015 -  Australian wages are rising at their slowest pace since records began, according to the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics figures. The figures show that wages rose by 0.5 per…

Confusion Over Paid Charity Workers Remains – Poll

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th March 2014 -  The public is happy to see charity shop managers draw a salary, but confusion remains over who is paid in charities, new UK research reveals. A poll, carried out by UK research consultancy…

NFP Salary Survey Reveals Lack of Pay Reviews

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 13th March 2014 -  A ground-breaking salary survey into the expanding Australian Not for Profit sector reveals that a large proportion of Not for Profit salaries and pay rates are not being reviewed…

Survey Predicts Inflation to Outweigh Wage Increases

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th November 2012 -  Australian companies are forecasting a 4% increase in salaries in 2013, according to the Salary Trends Survey by international assignee management firm, ECA International. But…

NFP Funding For Fair Work Australia Wage Decision

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 11th September 2012 - 
Photo: Government funded Not for Profits across Australia are about to receive Commonwealth funding offers to help pay for wage increases awarded in an historic decision…

New Amendment Shores Up NFP Payroll Tax Loophole

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th July 2012 -  New tax laws have come into effect in Victoria to stop charities trying to take advantage of a loophole created by a Federal Court decision on payroll tax exemptions. From 1 July 2012…

Govt Commits Additional Funds to Community Workers’ Pay

Staff Reporter, Monday, 16th July 2012 -  Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced an additional $1 billion to workers in the social and community sector (SACS) as part of its contribution to the historic pay rise awarded…

What Drives Executive Pay in the Not for Profit Sector?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th November 2011 -  Flickr Image:  Some rights reserved by inlinguaManchester  Pay scales for executives in the Not for Profit Sector don’t usually make for…

US Charity CEO Salaries on the Rise

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th August 2010 -  Despite the economic downturn in the US, Not for Profit CEO salaries are on the rise – by almost 5 percent according to an annual study. The Charity Navigator has released its…
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