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Tag : Women in Focus

NFPs Must Embrace Technology to Remain Relevant

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 29th August 2012 -  SPONSORED: The Commonwealth Bank’s Women in Focus Conference has been told that Not for Profit organisations must embrace technology and focus on what’s important…


I’m not a feminist, but….

Lina Caneva, Friday, 24th August 2012 -  We are heading in the right direction, but there is still a lot of work to be done in getting equal representation for women on Australia’s boards says Melinda Cruz, the CEO of…

NFPs Must Adapt to Australia’s ‘New Normal’ – CBA Women in Focus Conference

Lina Caneva, Friday, 24th August 2012 -  The Commonwealth Bank Women in Focus New Frontiers Conference has been told that Australia now has a ‘new normal’. At the conference, attended by business women from…

CBA Women In Focus- Navigating a Tough Share Market

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 4th July 2012 -  In time to start planning the financial goals for the new financial year, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia’s Women in Focus is holding a breakfast offering practical advice…

CBA Women in Focus IWD Celebrations Success

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 19th April 2012 -  SPONSORED: The Commonwealth Bank initiative, Women in Focus, wrapped up its celebrations for the 101st International Women’s Day this month with a lunch in Darwin. The lunch…

Celebrate International Women’s Day – CBA Women in Focus Lunch

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 28th February 2012 -  Sponsored Article: A Commonwealth Bank initiative, Women in Focus together with the Sydney Women’s Fund are celebrating the 101st International Women’s Day with…
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