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Tag : Women on Boards

Scholarships for ‘Board Ready’ Women in the Disability Sector

Wendy Williams, Friday, 30th June 2017 -  Women working in the disability sector are being called on to apply for new scholarships to access world-class governance education in a bid to drive an increase in the number of women

Women’s Board Scholarships Revealed

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 11th December 2012 -  Scholarships have been awarded to 70 high performing women to attend the Australian Institute of Company Directors’ Company Directors Course or Mastering the Boardroom…

Program Extended for Women on Boards Training

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th September 2012 -  A corporate governance training initiative to develop women’s skills as Board Directors will be offered over the next two years. The Victorian Women's Governance scholarships…

Sector Gender Audit Revealed

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 12th September 2012 -  An audit of gender diversity in the community sector by ACOSS has revealed that the participation of women on boards and in senior management positions is higher than in other sectors.…

Leadership Key To NFP Success – Better Boards Conference

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 7th August 2012 -  There is a growing disenchantment with the ability of institutions, governments, and business to deliver on people’s hopes and expectations, according to the CEO of World…

Gender Audit of Australian NFPs

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st November 2011 -  Despite women making up 85% of the workforce in the Not for Profit sector, little is known about the gendered nature of senior management and Board positions within the sector. The…
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