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Tag : Youth Affairs Council Victoria

Time for a historic investment in young people

Katherine Ellis, Monday, 10th October 2022 -  Youth Affairs Council Victoria CEO Katherine Ellis explains why youth work matters and why it must be funded. During my twenty years in the youth sector, I have heard many stories from

Australia’s COVID-19 response is failing young people

Thomas Feng, Thursday, 17th June 2021 -  An entire generation of young people risk being left behind. There needs to be targeted initiatives and reforms to lift them back onto their feet, writes Thomas Feng. Imagine growing

Short-term budget leaves young people out of COVID-19 recovery

Katherine Ellis, Thursday, 13th May 2021 -  The budget should have included significantly more investments focused on the longer-term, that would benefit young people who have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19,

Genuine youth participation means youth partnership and leadership

Kelsey McGowan, Tuesday, 11th May 2021 -  If organisations want to make a difference to the future of those who come after them, they must allow young people to design and lead the solutions, writes Kelsey McGowan, reflecting

How we can improve mental health services for CALD communities and young people

Sammy Huynh, Thursday, 3rd September 2020 -  Sammy Huynh reflects on the gaps she sees for CALD communities and young people as a young social worker. Australia is proud of its multiculturalism, with many residents or parents
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