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Tag : Youth employment

Virtual Reality Game Launches to Engage Youth in Disability Sector

Contributor, Thursday, 3rd August 2017 -  A world first immersive virtual reality work experience game designed to engage young people to work in the disability sector has launched in Victoria. Developed by not-for-profit

Calls to Redesign Education to Better Prepare Youth for Future Workforce

Rachel McFadden, Thursday, 27th July 2017 -  Young people need to be creative, entrepreneurial and committed to ongoing learning to face the biggest disruption to the world of work since the industrial revolution, a peak body

Disadvantaged Young People Given Future Insights for Jobs

Wendy Williams, Friday, 9th June 2017 -  A new program has been launched in Victoria to help disadvantaged young people gain practical skills to help them stand out in the competitive job market and address some of the barriers…

Solving the Workforce of the Future

Wendy Williams, Monday, 5th June 2017 -  The Atlassian Foundation has teamed up with DFAT and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to help disadvantaged youth learn the skills they need to prepare them for the workforce…

Citi Foundation’s Global Youth Jobs Survey ‘Optimistic’

Lina Caneva, Friday, 3rd March 2017 -  Nearly three-quarters of young people in Sydney believe they will be better off than their parents, according to a global youth survey by Citi Foundation, which is investing more

Little Difference Between Labor and the Coalition’s Jobs Programs for Young People

Phil Lewis, Monday, 27th June 2016 -  When comparing the Coalition’s Youth Jobs PaTH internship scheme and Labor’s Working Futures scheme, professor of economics at the University of Canberra, Phil Lewis, finds there
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