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Tag : Youth Homelessness

Wellbeing budget could put a dent in youth homelessness

Jason Juretic, Monday, 24th October 2022 -  The federal government’s budget offers an opportunity to improve the lives of young people in Australia. An estimated 761,000 or one in six children live below the poverty

Youth homelessness crisis: 3 things governments need to do right now

Jason Juretic, Friday, 5th August 2022 -  First it was COVID driving youth homelessness, but now inflation is making a dire situation worse. Jason Juretic explains what governments should be doing as an immediate priority. 


Taking a helicopter view of homelessness in young people

Jonathan Alley, Thursday, 12th May 2022 -  After over 30 years battling barriers to housing, Stephen Nash is committed to prevention rather than a cure. He is this week’s Changemaker. Stephen Nash, who was appointed CEO of

Youth and child homelessness matters, why aren’t we doing more about it?

Deb Tsorbaris, Wednesday, 4th May 2022 -  Affordable housing for young Australians falling through the cracks is possible with greater federal investment, argues Deb Tsorbaris. It’s difficult to imagine, but on the night

Under 18-year-olds are still being locked up simply because they are homeless

Elizabeth Watt, Thursday, 7th October 2021 -  A new report sheds light on the ongoing criminalisation of youth homelessness in NSW, write Dr Elizabeth Watt, Olivia Iannelli and Shoshana Booth from Yfoundations. Back in 2008,

Homelessness does not necessarily mean rooflessness, says new study

Nikki Stefanoff, Wednesday, 7th July 2021 -  A research report commissioned by the not for profit Kids Under Cover looks at the effectiveness of its Studio Program on keeping kids off the streets.  A program building relocatable

Preventing a rebound in youth homelessness after COVID-19

Contributor, Wednesday, 19th May 2021 -  Initiatives to protect homeless young people during the pandemic were effective, but we need a long-term strategy that delivers better support and helps prevent homelessness,

‘This will get worse’: Fears for the wellbeing of young people facing homelessness

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 29th July 2020 -  A new report shows one in six young people in Australia have experienced homelessness          The federal government is being urged to take a proactive response to tackling youth


The food empire solving youth homelessness

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 1st July 2020 -  Society Melbourne and their socially conscious hospitality empire have come a long way. Five years on from their first venture, they’ve changed up the way they do business to empower

The stories behind the young Australians struggling with homelessness

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 24th March 2020 -  “I was passed around like a hot potato,” 21-year-old Gemma says. For many university students, the task of juggling study and a part-time job is stressful.      But 21-year-old student

Dealing with the trauma of youth homelessness

Luke Michael, Monday, 3rd June 2019 -  The lowest point was when the police officer came to the door. Jessica* was already at breaking point, and now the police were handing her a warrant giving her family two days to leave

Youth homelessness crisis in the spotlight

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 17th April 2019 -  Nearly 11,000 young people across Australia remained homeless even after seeking help from services, new analysis of homelessness data reveals. Council for Homeless Persons (CHP)
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