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Tag : Youth matters

Federal budget ignores young people and our future

Ashley Oehler, Wednesday, 30th March 2022 -  Overall, the budget demonstrates the clear lack of consideration for young people, writes Ashley Oehler in their youth take on the budget. The 2022 federal budget is important for

Bridging the gap between young people and decision makers

Ali Noura, Monday, 9th August 2021 -  The recurring narratives of “no one listens to us young people” versus “young people are naive” are unhelpful. It’s time for young people and decision makers to reframe their view

Genuine youth participation means youth partnership and leadership

Kelsey McGowan, Tuesday, 11th May 2021 -  If organisations want to make a difference to the future of those who come after them, they must allow young people to design and lead the solutions, writes Kelsey McGowan, reflecting

Why we need to raise the rate

Cassandra Prigg, Thursday, 4th March 2021 -  An increase in JobSeeker to $80 a day would change a young person’s life and their future – the problem is that politicians lack the willpower to make this happen, writes Cassandra Prigg.

Behind my crooked legs: The medical reality of life with a disability

Holly Matthews, Thursday, 10th December 2020 -  Holly Matthews explains what life is like for her as a teenager with Cerebral Palsy and shares her thoughts on what the disability and broader community sector can do to help young people

Using business for good not good enough to tackle social challenges

Jane Chen, Wednesday, 11th November 2020 -  There’s no doubt that social enterprises have created more equitable outcomes for young people, but it’s time they address causes as well as symptoms and lean into advocacy, writes

How we can improve mental health services for CALD communities and young people

Sammy Huynh, Thursday, 3rd September 2020 -  Sammy Huynh reflects on the gaps she sees for CALD communities and young people as a young social worker. Australia is proud of its multiculturalism, with many residents or parents

Creating better, safer mental health support starts with listening to young people

Kirra-Alyssa Horley, Thursday, 6th August 2020 -  Coping and managing your mental health is hard enough without the additional barriers created by systems and services, writes Kirra-Alyssa Horley reflecting on her own experience
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