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Tag : Youth mental health

Empowering young people to get through tough times

Ed Krutsch, Friday, 29th March 2024 -    This weeks Pro Bono Australia change maker is Katie Acheson – a former Chair of the Australian Youth Affairs Coalition, co-founder of Numbers and People Synergy and

Youth mental health crisis: Do healthcare workers need more training?

Contributor, Thursday, 31st October 2019 -  Year on year, Australian youth are reporting increasing levels of psychological distress. Do healthcare professionals need more training to help tackle this crisis?  Mental health

Poor mental health in teens skyrockets

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 23rd October 2019 -  New research from Mission Australia has found mental health problems in young people is rapidly on the rise For 21-year-old Mitch, speaking up and getting help wasn’t easy.  Struggling

NFP Report Sparks Calls to Make Youth Mental Health A National Priority

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 28th February 2018 -  Australia’s mental health commissioner has called for child and youth mental health to be a national priority, after a not-for-profit report revealed Australia ranks in the “middle

beyondblue Releases Youth-focussed App

Staff Reporter, Friday, 27th June 2014 -  Depression Not for Profit beyondblue has launched a mobile app, which aims to make it easier for young people to start conversations with friends who they are concerned may be experiencing…

New Headspace Centres in ‘Areas of Greatest Need’

Staff Reporter, Friday, 6th January 2012 -  Local health and community organisations have expressed strong interest in running 15 new youth focused mental health centres around the country, according to the National Youth…

Headspace Services Announced

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th April 2011 -  The Gillard Government has delivered on an election commitment to set-up new headspace youth mental health services – in Hobart and Melbourne- as part of ten new centres expected…
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