Luke Beck, Thursday, 6th May 2021 - Charity leaders say the sector is facing a red tape nightmare that will curtail charitable advocacy Major faith-based charities have united to condemn proposed changes that…
Luke Michael, Monday, 1st February 2021 - “These changes will harm individuals and families and are the last thing Australia needs as we chart a path to economic recovery” Over 90 per cent of financial counsellors believe…
Luke Michael, Tuesday, 8th December 2020 - A new survey reveals that the pre-COVID JobSeeker rate left 41 per cent of recipients with just $7 a day after paying rent All the gains made from the temporary JobSeeker increase will…
Luke Michael, Wednesday, 14th October 2020 - New analysis shows there are 106 jobseekers for each entry-level job in AustraliaThe federal government’s privatised employment services program is failing vulnerable jobseekers,…
Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 3rd June 2020 - We take a look at the challenges charities face as op-shops reopen their doors When COVID-19 hit, charity op-shops were, like most other businesses, forced to shut their doors.This…
Luke Michael, Friday, 1st May 2020 - But the Coalition has rejected calls for a welfare boost The federal government needs to increase the JobSeeker Payment, Youth Allowance and Parenting Payment to ensure welfare…
Luke Michael, Thursday, 30th April 2020 - Rental Affordability Snapshot reveals a chronic shortage of affordable rentalsLess than 2 per cent of Australian rentals are affordable for people on the JobSeeker Payment, even…
Maggie Coggan, Monday, 27th April 2020 - Community sector leaders say it will make a big difference during coronavirusCharities will now be able to exclude government funding in the JobKeeper turnover test, opening up …
Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 16th October 2019 - Anglicare Australia’s latest report reveals entry-level jobs are tougher to find and more competitive to land Chris is required to apply for 20 jobs a month to prevent being cut …
Luke Michael, Monday, 29th April 2019 - Australia’s rental affordability crisis is only getting worse, with new research revealing the number of affordable homes for people on welfare is dwindling.Anglicare’s annual…
Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 6th February 2019 - The social sector has thrown its support behind Victoria Legal Aid’s “landmark” challenge of the controversial automated debt recovery system, known as robo-debt.Victoria Legal…
Luke Michael, Tuesday, 23rd October 2018 - Charities involved in institutional abuse that fail to enter the national redress scheme should lose their charitable status, abuse survivors say amid the prime minister’s national…