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Tag : Anglicare Australia

Disadvantaged Jobseekers Facing Lack of Entry-Level Jobs

Luke Michael, Thursday, 18th October 2018 -  Entry-level jobs for disadvantaged jobseekers are drying up, according to new analysis which reveals more than four people are competing for each low-skilled job in Australia.    

Concerns Over Wait Time For Home Care Packages

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 3rd October 2018 -  Aged-care groups are questioning the effectiveness of the federal government’s home care funding boost, saying more needs to be done to address the long periods people are waiting

Centrelink Service Automation is Failing, Study Shows

Paul Carter, Monday, 25th June 2018 -  Centrelink’s move to automate some services is failing its clients, and costing more time and money, an Anglicare Australia study shows. Executive director Kasy Chambers said it

Wealthy Tax Concessions Costing $68 Billion a Year

Luke Michael, Monday, 26th March 2018 -  Tax concessions for Australia’s wealthiest 20 per cent are costing more than $68 billion a year, while the bottom 20 per cent of Australians receive just $6.1 billion in concessions,

Silencing the Poor

Kasy Chambers, Tuesday, 23rd January 2018 -  By attacking charities and their ability to advocate, we’re creating a society where only those with power and access to start with have the ability to influence policy, writes Anglicare

Charities Urged to Have Their Say on Foreign Donations Bill

Wendy Williams, Monday, 22nd January 2018 -  Charities are being called on to have their say on the controversial foreign donations bill “while they still can”, amid fears the bill could “erode democracy”. The Election Funding

Social Sector Urges Action in Wake of Royal Commission Findings

Luke Michael, Monday, 18th December 2017 -  The social sector has urged Australian institutions to commit to systemic change in wake of the findings from the child sexual abuse royal commission, as concerns are raised around

Anglicare Report Finds Lack of Entry-Level Jobs in Australia

Luke Michael, Thursday, 19th October 2017 -  A new not-for-profit report on jobs availability in Australia has found that entry-level positions are drying up and driving unemployment, with nearly five job-seekers competing

Charities Say Inadequate Income Support Payments are Leading to Poverty

Luke Michael, Thursday, 28th September 2017 -  Mission Australia, St Vincent de Paul Society National Council and Anglicare Australia say inadequate income support payments are leading Australians into poverty, which comes

Victoria Applauded for Refusing Plan to Drug Test Welfare Recipients

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 15th June 2017 -  The Victorian government has been applauded for “refusing to play the Commonwealth’s cruel game” following comments made by the state’s mental health minister that Victoria would

Issues Paper Launched on Accounting Standards for NFPs

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 29th March 2017 -  There needs to be a national conversation about financial reporting arrangements for the not-for-profit sector, according to a new issues paper on reporting and accounting standards.…

Government Moves Forward on Affordable Housing

Wendy Williams, Friday, 10th March 2017 -  A new affordable housing plan to assist renters and those on lower incomes in accessing community housing has been given the green light by the federal government. Treasurer Scott
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