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Calls for Family Violence Victims to Access Super

Wendy Williams, Monday, 19th June 2017 -  Victims and survivors of family violence should be able to access their superannuation as a “band aid” measure, according to industry superfund HESTA which is calling for “urgent

Awards to Recognise Outstanding Contributions in the Social Sector

Rachel McFadden, Monday, 1st May 2017 -  Nominations are now open for the 2017 HESTA Community Sector Awards to recognise excellence in the social sector. HESTA chief executive officer Debby Blakey said the awards recognised…

Job Clarity and Organisational Direction are Key to NFP Employee Engagement

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 6th April 2017 -  Successful employee engagement in the not-for-profit sector is highly dependent on clarity around job roles and organisational direction rather than pay rates, according to Pro

New Scholarships Announced

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 14th March 2017 -  New scholarship opportunities have opened up across the arts, rural health and journalism fields. Applications have opened for The Marten Bequest scholarships for emerging artists,…

Community Sector Scoops Awards

Wendy Williams, Friday, 18th November 2016 -  The community sector’s top organisations and professionals have been recognised for “improving the lives of others”. The top honours, at the 2016 HESTA Community Sector Awards,

Pro Bono Australia Launches Salary Survey 2017

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 15th November 2016 -  For the fifth consecutive year Pro Bono Australia is calling on not-for-profit executives and managers to take part in the sector’s largest benchmarking salary survey. In partnership

Hesta Community Awards Open

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 5th April 2016 -  The 2016 HESTA Community Sector Awards, in partnership with the Australian Council of Social Service, are open for nomination. With a total prize pool of $30,000, the awards recognise

Housing NFP Receives $6.7M Impact Investment

Ellie Cooper, Wednesday, 13th January 2016 -  Superannuation fund HESTA’s first investment from its $30 million impact investment fund has been allocated to a Not for Profit community housing provider. Horizon Housing,…

$30 Million Committed to Australian Impact Investment

Ellie Cooper, Wednesday, 9th September 2015 -  Superannuation fund HESTA has committed $30 million to create an impact investment fund managed by Social Ventures Australia, which is said to be the single largest investment of…
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