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Tag : Homelessness Australia

Homelessness Peak Prepares to Close its Doors

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 15th December 2015 -  The national peak body for homelessness services, Homelessness Australia, is preparing to close its headquarters after the Federal Government stopped its funding for 2016. The…


Are Homelessness Services Essential Services?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th December 2015 -  As the national peak body for homelessness in Australia prepares to close its doors due to federal defunding, the out-going CEO of Homelessness Australia, Glenda Stevens, asks if

EVOLVING CHAIR: Keeping Homelessness on the Government’s Agenda

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 24th September 2015 -  Urging the Federal Government to be a leader in addressing homelessness issues especially around funding and policy formation is a key challenge for the Board of Homelessness Australia.

Tune In Now – Toolkit for Homelessness Workers

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 24th June 2014 -  A guide about depression and anxiety for people who work with homeless men has been launched nationally. The toolkit, called Tune In Now, was created by Homelessness Australia in…


Flying into the NFP Sector

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd June 2014 -  Trained as an air traffic controller with the Royal Australian Air Force, Glenda Stevens led a multi-cultural fundraising charity in Ireland before taking the top job at Homelessness

NFP ‘Relief’ Over Homelessness Funding

Staff Reporter, Monday, 31st March 2014 -  Not for Profit peak bodies and homelessness service provider organisations across Australia have expressed relief at the Coalition Government’s decision to re-commit…

Affordable Housing Under Scrutiny

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 12th December 2013 -  An inquiry into Australia’s Affordable Housing has been established under the Senate Economics References Committee in Canberra. Labor Senator Jan McLucas succeeded in…

Counting the ‘Hidden’ Homeless

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 8th August 2013 -  Homeless Persons’ Week 2013 is shining the spotlight on the ‘hidden homeless’, and on the need to strengthen strategies towards halving homelessness by 2020,…

Peak Body “Concerned” Over Homelessness Proposals

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th June 2012 -  Homelessness Australia has questioned draft legislation designed to broaden the definition of homelessness and has urged the Federal Government to make changes before tabling…

Budget: Challenges of Housing Affordability & Homelessness

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 9th May 2012 -  Homelessness Australia (HA) the peak body for homelessness has welcomed the delivery of the final instalments of the affordable housing and homelessness agreements in the Federal…

National Coalition Calls for Housing Ministry to be Retained at Cabinet Level

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 1st March 2012 -  Flickr image:  Some rights reserved by camknows The National Affordable Housing Summit group has urged the Prime Minister to retain the recently-created…
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