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Tag : Mission Australia

Young Aussies more concerned by discrimination than COVID-19

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 18th November 2020 -  More than a quarter of young people say they have been unfairly treated in the past year     Equity and discrimination is now the number one concern for young Australians, according

Calls for Indigenous youth to co-design the programs that support them

Luke Michael, Thursday, 24th September 2020 -  Advocates say there is a critical shortage of culturally and age-appropriate support services for young Indigenous people     Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people

‘This will get worse’: Fears for the wellbeing of young people facing homelessness

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 29th July 2020 -  A new report shows one in six young people in Australia have experienced homelessness          The federal government is being urged to take a proactive response to tackling youth

‘We must act now’: Barriers uncovered for young people with disability

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 20th May 2020 -  The Mission Australia Youth Survey has taken a disability lens to its data for the first time Young people with disability are more likely to report poor mental health and are twice

NFPs reveal the devastating impact of coronavirus on their organisations

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 18th March 2020 -  Voices across the social sector say urgent support for charities is needed Charities are warning they will struggle to survive the coronavirus pandemic without a targeted stimulus

Over 3 million Australians locked into poverty

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 24th February 2020 -  The poverty rate in Australia is worse than in most other wealthy countries Fewer entry-level jobs, rising housing costs, and inadequate welfare rates are just some of the contributing

Youth mental health crisis: Do healthcare workers need more training?

Contributor, Thursday, 31st October 2019 -  Year on year, Australian youth are reporting increasing levels of psychological distress. Do healthcare professionals need more training to help tackle this crisis?  Mental health

Poor mental health in teens skyrockets

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 23rd October 2019 -  New research from Mission Australia has found mental health problems in young people is rapidly on the rise For 21-year-old Mitch, speaking up and getting help wasn’t easy.  Struggling

Drug testing trial obscures real solution to Australia’s drug and alcohol problem

James Toomey, Monday, 30th September 2019 -  The best way to address a social issue is to eradicate the smoke and mirrors by starting with a clarifying question of “what evidence-based problem are we trying to solve?” writes James

Young people suffering as drug problems take hold among family and friends

Luke Michael, Thursday, 22nd August 2019 -  Young Australians with friends and family members experiencing drug and alcohol problems are almost twice as likely to feel sad and negative about their future compared to other

A girl walks home alone at night… and still isn’t safe in 2019

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 13th March 2019 -  Tiana’s house is a five-minute walk from the train station, but when she’s walking home from work alone at night, that five minutes seems like a lifetime. “I feel like there’s a target

Young Australians Growing More Concerned With Mental Health

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 28th November 2018 -  The number of young people that believe mental health is the top issue facing Australia today has almost tripled in three years, according to Mission Australia’s latest national
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