Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 2nd December 2020 - Meet the NFP working to ensure that there are more realistic inclusions of people with disability across all forms of mediaResearch has shown that the biggest barriers people with…
Tony Jones, Tuesday, 27th October 2020 - With organisations just months away from their funding ending, Tony Jones provides an overview of the current state of play in how disability advocacy is being funded and the New South…
Wendy Williams, Friday, 28th August 2020 - NDIS Minister Stuart Robert announces “the most substantial package of reforms to the NDIS since its establishment”The government’s decision to support all of the recommendations…
Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 28th April 2020 - Health leaders hope new principles will inform access to intensive careAs talks of easing lockdown restrictions begin, experts fear Aboriginal Australians with disability will…
Fran Connelley, Tuesday, 11th February 2020 - The NDIS has fundamentally changed the nature of work in this sector, and the reality is that the current funding model is failing to attract and retain a qualified, motivated and suitably…
Contributor, Wednesday, 15th January 2020 - Disability Services Consulting has put together a list of services and resources that can support people with disability through the bushfire season.This bushfire season has shocked…
Claire Robbs, Friday, 29th November 2019 - That is the question Claire Robbs, chief executive of Life Without Barriers, is asking of employers everywhere as we approach International Day of People with Disability on Tuesday.…
Keith McVilly, Wednesday, 20th November 2019 - New research finds urgent action is needed to maintain the sustainability of volunteer services supporting people with disability and their families, write Professor Keith McVilly…
Emma Bennison, Wednesday, 6th November 2019 - Emma Bennison, CEO of Blind Citizens Australia, reflects on her experience putting together a submission to the royal commission and the support – or lack thereof – she received.…
Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 22nd January 2019 - An accessible telecoms project has been launched in a bid to fight the growing information gap on accessible services for people with disability. The service, hailed an Australian…
Luke Michael, Wednesday, 5th December 2018 - People with disability who rent are almost twice as likely to experience a “no-grounds” eviction compared with other Australians, new research shows. A report by Choice, National…
Maggie Coggan, Monday, 3rd December 2018 - When disability advocate and entrepreneur, Christina Ryan, realised workplace programs helping people with disability into leadership roles were non-existent, she got angry.…