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Tag : Red Cross

Australians Think Govt Should Help Asylum Seekers Less

Xavier Smerdon, Monday, 15th June 2015 -  Most Australians are misinformed about refugees and asylum seekers, thinking it is a crime to come by boat without a visa seeking protection, a new survey by a major Not for Profit has…

Beyond Bank Launches Bushfire Appeal

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 6th January 2015 -  Customer-owned financial institution, Beyond Bank Australia, has launched a Bushfire Appeal to raise funds for residents of South Australia devastated by the fires. The Beyond…


Saving Lives from Haiyan to Hagupit

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 11th December 2014 -  Did the humanitarian community do anything that potentially saved lives between Typhoon Haiyan twelve months ago and Typhoon Hagupit in the Philippines at the weekend, asks Peter

Aussies Want Nuclear Weapons Ban – NFP Report

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 2nd December 2014 -  More than 80 per cent of Australians support a legally binding treaty to ban the use of nuclear weapons, according to new research on attitudes towards nuclear weapons released by…

Katter To Press Aid Agency on Ebola Protection

Xavier Smerdon, Wednesday, 15th October 2014 -  Maverick Federal MP Bob Katter has formally requested a meeting with the Red Cross to discuss his concerns around the Ebola virus pandemic. Following the news that a Red Cross aid worker,…

Red Cross to Continue Fighting Ebola

Xavier Smerdon, Friday, 10th October 2014 -  The Australian Red Cross has declared it will continue to fight the Ebola crisis in West Africa after one of its aid workers returned a negative test for the disease. Sue Ellen Kovack…

500 Jobs to Go at Red Cross

Lina Caneva, Monday, 8th September 2014 -  The Red Cross has confirmed that it will shed 500 jobs following the Immigration Department’s slashing of funding for the charity's asylum seeker support service. The…

Guide Dogs Most Trusted Charity

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd July 2014 -  For the second year running, Guide Dogs has been voted Australia’s Most Trusted Charity in the annual Australian Reader’s Digest Magazine’s Most Trusted Brand…

BLOG Supporting the Sector’s ‘Talent’

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 15th May 2014 - 
In a sector where much of that effectiveness comes from the people who work for charities, we need to be able to talk about those people and how we sustain them says Not for Profit…

Australia’s Biggest Fundraisers

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th March 2014 -  Australia’s Top 5 charities, based on fundraising income, have been revealed at the Fundraising Institute Australia’s annual conference in Melbourne – and…

Red Cross Attends Global Nuclear Discussion

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 11th February 2014 -  Representatives from the Australian Red Cross will attend a global conference in Mexico later this week to examine the humanitarian impact of detonating nuclear weapons.…

Call for Collaboration in Disaster Relief

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd October 2013 -  The Australian philanthropic sector has been urged to collaborate in providing natural disaster support and to consider the longer-term recovery of affected communities. The…
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