Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th April 2001 -
The International arm of the data technology/communications group Ericsson has cancelled its planned Ericsson Internet Community Awards – ERICA -for 2001 aimed specifically…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th March 2001 -
Now in their fifth year the Australian Financial Review magazine’s National Sponsorship Awards are on again. Their aim is to highlight the partnerships that are increasingly important…
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st December 2000 -
AUSTCARE – Australians Caring for Refugees has delivered its 2000 Awards to Australians who have made extraordinary sacrifices for the benefit of refugees around the world.
Staff Reporter, Monday, 20th November 2000 -
The Brain Foundation will honour women who have contributed to society beyond the commercial world, as part of the 2000 Women of Achievement Award Luncheon on Wednesday 22nd November.…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -
A reminder that entries to the 2000 FIA Awards for Excellence in Fundraising close on October 31.
The annual awards are given in recognition of, and to encourage excellence in the various…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -
This month the Australian Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem awarded their second Ron Castan Memorial Indigenous People’s Scholarship to assist Aboriginal communities.…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th August 2000 -
And while we are still on the topic of corporate community involvement, the results of the Australian Financial Review Magazine’s Annual Sponsorship Awards also highlight the big…
Staff Reporter, Monday, 17th July 2000 -
Gremlins seem to have spirited this story out of a previous edition. For those who asked for more information, here it is. (Fingers crossed!)
The Australian Financial Review Magazine…
Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 17th May 2000 -
Are you a local sporting club, rescue unit, service club conservation group or any volunteer group that could use $15,000? Well nominations are now being accepted for the National…