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Tag : Democracy

Civil Voices Survey Takes the Temperature of Not for Profit Advocacy

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 17th August 2017 -  Social sector leaders in Australia are being called on to speak out about the ability of their organisations to advocate on matters of public interest, as part of a nationwide survey

Changing Democracy From the Ground Up

Ellie Cooper, Wednesday, 29th March 2017 -  An online platform is working to bridge the gap between government and people passionate about the issues that politicians get to make decisions about. Matthew Gordon, chief of operations

Craigslist Founder Makes $1M Grant to ProPublica News

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 2nd March 2017 -  The Craig Newmark Foundation, set up by the founder of the online community networking site craigslist, has made a US$1 million (A$1.3 million) grant to ProPublica, an independent,…

NFPs Concerned Over Democracy

Wendy Williams, Friday, 20th May 2016 -  More than 30 Not for Profits, community leaders, unions and commentators in civil society have united to speak out about the media treatment of Duncan Storrar and what this says about

Cohesion Study Reveals Australia’s Trust Issues

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd October 2013 -  Research released by the Scanlon Foundation, shows Australian trust levels toward government and fellow citizens are falling, and discrimination is on the rise. The Mapping Social

Politicians Must Re-Engage with Young Australians – NFP

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 2nd July 2013 -  Young Australians and politicians must start afresh ?and fix the “huge national turn-off” towards democracy, ?according to a peak Not for Profit youth organisation.…

NFP Launches ‘Rethink Australia’ Website

Staff Reporter, Friday, 7th May 2010 -    A national Not for Profit has launched a new democracy website to allow Australians to have a say on how democracy works, in the lead up to the Federal Election. Called Rethink…
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