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Tag : Democracy

Revealed: How Australian politicians would bridge the trust divide

Contributor, Thursday, 17th October 2019 -  We have heard much in recent years about the declining trust in politicians and politics in Australia, but what do our parliamentarians think about it? Mark Evans and colleagues Gerry…

Civil society takes up fight to make democracy equal again

Robyn Gulliver, Wednesday, 25th September 2019 -  The multi-million dollar individual candidate spends seen in the 2019 federal election should be stopped warns a coalition of civil society groups, who are calling for an immediate

‘Trust is the glue that enables collective action for mutual benefit’

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 24th September 2019 -  Trust in government and politicians is at an all time low, says the director of Democracy 2025, who warns a lack of trust could pose a threat to our democracy. Speaking at the Philanthropy

Amazon fires expose the weakness of government and the power of philanthropy

Krystian Seibert, Thursday, 29th August 2019 -  World leaders are caught in a spat over money while philanthropy is starting to flow, showing how philanthropy can be nimble and responsive where government has failed and why being

Philanthropy and democracy – An Australian perspective

Krystian Seibert, Thursday, 25th July 2019 -  Despite the power of philanthropy coming under criticism in recent times, Krystian Seibert argues that in fact, philanthropy plays an increasingly vital role supporting our democracy.

Partnerships are the key to a thriving civil society

Andrew Cairns, Thursday, 13th June 2019 -  Our communities are better when they bind together with a common purpose and common values, writes Andrew Cairns, CEO of Community Sector Banking. Australia is a dynamic nation on

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Three good reasons to be grateful for whistleblowers

Oliver May, Tuesday, 11th June 2019 -  Australia’s new whistleblower protection legislation means many charities might need to change their approach to managing disclosures. But some of us also might need to change

Are we there yet? Well, almost

Jo Scard, Thursday, 2nd May 2019 -  Early voting may have a significant impact on democracy, but there are still two and a half weeks to have a say, writes Jo Scard from Fifty Acres. The sad thing about elections is that

Australians Want to Hear the Voices of Charities – Politicians Take Note

David Crosbie, Thursday, 23rd November 2017 -  Recent studies show that an overwhelming majority of Australians support the idea that the voice of charities is an important part of our democracy and all politicians would do well

Philanthropy and Democracy

Sarah Davies, Wednesday, 11th October 2017 -  For philanthropy to maintain its social licence to operate, it needs to provide a level of accountability to the communities it serves, writes Philanthropy Australia CEO Sarah Davies.

On Marriage Equality, Australia’s Progressive Instincts Have Been Crushed by Political Failure

Frank Bongiorno, Tuesday, 19th September 2017 -  It is surely deficiencies in our recent democracy rather than deeper historical or cultural issues that lie at the heart of our failure to resolve the issue of same-sex marriage, writes
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