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Tag : 2022 federal election

Climate policy in 2022 is no longer a political bin-fire – but it remains a smouldering issue for voters

Peter Christoff, Wednesday, 20th April 2022 -  Climate remains a voter issue, even in 2022’s changed political landscape, argues Peter Christoff of the Melbourne Climate Futures initiative at Melbourne University. 

Poli-pix to create clear picture for government

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 13th April 2022 -  Community Council for Australia and Our Community are running a national photography competition to raise government awareness of the charity sector.  A sector-wide hunt is on

Charities commissioner issues election advocacy warning

David Crosbie, Thursday, 24th February 2022 -  But advocacy leaders say charities should not be afraid to speak out  The head of the ACNC has been forced to clarify recent comments he made on charitable advocacy during an election
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