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Poli-pix to create clear picture for government

13 April 2022 at 1:10 pm
Danielle Kutchel
Community Council for Australia and Our Community are running a national photography competition to raise government awareness of the charity sector. 

Danielle Kutchel | 13 April 2022 at 1:10 pm


Poli-pix to create clear picture for government
13 April 2022 at 1:10 pm

Community Council for Australia and Our Community are running a national photography competition to raise government awareness of the charity sector. 

A sector-wide hunt is on for the best picture snapped of a politician visiting a charity or community event, in the run-up to the federal election on 21 May.

Poli-pix, a contest created in collaboration by CCA and Our Community, will be judged on a weekly basis by highly respected Australian news photographer Mike Bowers. It is designed to encourage engagement between politicians, their local charities and community groups.

The organisers will be awarding $2,000 each week for an image that captures a moment, and helps organisations achieve greater awareness or cut-through about priority ideas, causes, events or campaigns.

Pro Bono News will be sharing the winning entries on our website, so make sure you check in regularly, to see which politician has been snapped at an event.

Our Community’s group managing director, Denis Moriarty, said the contest was a great reminder of the role the sector plays, and a positive way of reminding political parties that charities can be an important voice when shaping national policy.

“Community groups are the heartbeat of Australian life, and yet a lot of people down-play their role, not just in our economy, but in all our lives,” Moriarty said in a statement announcing the launch of the contest.

“Our sector is rarely seen as important enough to be in the room when major national policy decisions are being taken by governments. We want to change that… and have charities and community groups more involved in government decision making.”

Poli-pix entries will be added to a growing library of stories of charities contributing to brighter futures around Australia. A bonus grand prize, comprising an additional $2,000, will be awarded to the best picture taken during the election campaign.  

Competition entries can be submitted here and if posting on social media can be tagged #Loveyourwork.

Danielle Kutchel  |  @ProBonoNews

Danielle is a journalist specialising in disability and CALD issues, and social justice reporting. Reach her on or on Twitter @D_Kutchel.

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