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Tag : Charity mergers

More Representation, Not Less

Dameyon Bonson, Tuesday, 15th March 2016 -  Marginalised groups, and in particular Indigenous Australians, may not wish to join with other established groups who might not represent their values and aspirations, writes

Please, Not Another Charity!

Sue Murray, Tuesday, 1st March 2016 -  People thinking of starting a new charity should partner with an existing one instead, writes Sue Murray, CEO of Suicide Prevention Australia. In all my years of working in the Not…

ACNC Won’t Force Charity ‘Shotgun Marriages’

Ellie Cooper, Tuesday, 1st December 2015 -  Despite an average of 10 new charities being registered every day in Australia, the national regulator said it would not force “shotgun marriages” to reduce charity…

Politicians Divided on Charity Mergers

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 11th November 2015 -  Australia’s federal politicians have mixed views on the call for charities to merge or close. In a statement to Pro Bono Australia News, Social Services Minister, Christian…
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