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Tag : Climate action

Seven demands for new government, human rights conference for QLD, and a new low pay report

Contributor, Wednesday, 25th May 2022 -  All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.


Australia has handed the incoming Labor government a golden opportunity to work in collaboration to address

At COP26 our fundamental human rights are at stake

Annika Reynolds, Wednesday, 3rd November 2021 -  But the prime minister does not seem to have made that connection, write Annika Reynolds and Chris Caskey from Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, who argue it’s time to adopt a rights-based

In whose interest is Morrison acting?

David Ritter, Wednesday, 3rd November 2021 -  By undermining global climate talks, the prime minister is acting in defiance of the will of the Australian people, argues David Ritter, CEO of Greenpeace Australia Pacific. As he

‘Things could be so very different in this country of ours’

David Ritter, Monday, 2nd August 2021 -  Given Australia’s natural renewable energy resources and the education and creativity of our people, we could be leaders in climate action, instead, the world has been left bewildered

The time has come for B Corps to stop pledging and start doing

Nikki Stefanoff, Wednesday, 21st July 2021 -  We caught up with Andrew Davies, B Lab Australia and New Zealand CEO, to talk about what he learned from this year’s B Corp Global Climate Summit.  While regeneration is a long way off,

Community for climate change

Nikki Stefanoff, Monday, 7th June 2021 -  In a push to better understand how the community sector currently engages with climate change, the Australian Council of Social Service has launched a survey With Australia’s slow

Australia to attend climate summit empty-handed despite UN pleas to ‘come with a plan’

Contributor, Monday, 16th September 2019 -  Frank Jotzo, director of the ANU’s Centre for Climate and Energy Policy, takes stock of Australia’s progress on climate action and how we are perceived on the issue by our global peers,

Not everyone cares about climate change, but reproach won’t change their minds

Contributor, Wednesday, 12th June 2019 -  A whole-of-society discussion about our collective future is urgently needed, write Chloe Lucas, Aidan Davison and Peat Leith from the University of Tasmania, and Adam Corner from

Could you help make finance more sustainable?

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 17th April 2019 -  People from all corners of society are being encouraged to join some of the big finance players and civil society leaders to help guide the finance sector toward a more sustainable

Farming For a Better Future

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 5th November 2018 -  Anika Molesworth is not your ordinary farmer. Founder of Climate Wise Agriculture, and board member of Farmers for Climate Action, she’s on a mission to change the future of farming

Equipping Policymakers for Ambitious Change

Matt Ryan, Friday, 1st December 2017 -  Matt Ryan, the director of Public Policy and Strategy at The Australian Centre for Social Innovation, looks at what social innovation could learn from climate action. Late in the
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