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Tag : Compulsory income management

‘I go in, come out, and I’m all in tears’: Vulnerable people humiliated by cashless welfare card

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 26th February 2020 -  Experts say compulsory income management is doing more harm than good The cashless welfare card has failed to improve the financial stability of social security recipients and has

Government Slammed Over Bill to Expand Welfare Quarantining

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 23rd November 2011 -  Flickr Image: Some rights reserved by Rusty Stewart  The Federal Government has introduced legislation to extend ‘welfare quarantining’…

Welfare Sector Fights ‘Crackdown’

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 31st March 2011 -  Just one day after the ACOSS Conference, the Federal Opposition has outlined a crackdown on welfare, with Tony Abbott unveiling a raft of measures including abolishing the dole to…
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