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Tag : Gender equality

It’s a long way to the top (if you’re a woman working in the NSW social sector)

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 16th March 2022 -  Despite women making up 75 per cent of the workforce in NSW, they account for just 20 per cent of board chairs in larger organisations Women working in social services in New South Wales

Women don’t need fixing, systems do

Natalie Kyriacou OAM, Tuesday, 8th March 2022 -  Traditional approaches to gender equality that focus on imposing solutions upon women through a “saviour model” are disempowering and ineffective. Instead, there is a need to transform

Are women part of your corporate philanthropy?

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 7th October 2021 -  New research shows corporate giving could become a powerful lever for accelerating gender equality  Despite many corporations taking steps to prioritise gender equality within

Women are making their way onto NFP boards. But is it enough?

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 9th September 2021 -  For the first time ever, there are no all-male boards at Australia’s top 200 companies. But how does the NFP sector track in comparison? We decided to take a look.  Gender parity in positions

A bloody good time: Australia’s first Period Summit kicks off

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 1st July 2021 -  The event is bringing together over 100 representatives from community organisations to reduce the negative impact of menstrual stigma  Despite progress made on normalising periods,

Super fund to shift the dial on Australian gender equality

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 16th June 2021 -  “It’s not good enough to keep supporting the status quo.” Verve Super has become the first superfund in the country to allocate member’s money in part based on how companies perform

Men need to do more to advance gender equality and equity

Andrew Cairns, Friday, 11th June 2021 -  When it comes to improving and promoting gender equity and equality at work, there is still a gap between what men say they believe and what they do, writes Andrew Cairns. A little over

The future (of investment) is female

Nikki Stefanoff, Wednesday, 14th April 2021 -  A new report highlights that without focus on female investment Australia’s push for gender equality will continue to slide backwards A crucial investment focus is needed on employment

Gender equality in Australia is on the decline. Here’s what could fix it

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 5th March 2020 -  Australia has fallen from a rank of 15th to 44th on the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index in the last 14 years With gender equality in Australia on a dramatic decline, a progressive

Women empowering women: How Australian volunteers are supporting gender equality in Papua New Guinea

Contributor, Monday, 2nd March 2020 -  International Women’s Day on 8 March provides an opportunity to acknowledge three women who, through the Australian Volunteers Program, are working with organisations to empower

Australian boards struggling with gender diversity

Ushi Ghoorah, Friday, 1st November 2019 -  The rate of women being appointed to boards has fallen more than 13 per cent The percentage of women on ASX 200 boards has fallen while the number of male-only boards has increased, the

A toolkit to fight economic barriers for older women launches

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 28th August 2019 -  For women over the age of 50, the gender pay gap, a lack of superannuation and unpaid work present economic barriers to retirement. But the launch of a financial toolkit for the demographic
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