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Tag : Racism

Supporting employees from diverse backgrounds

Nora Fraser, Friday, 5th May 2023 -  Fostering an inclusive workplace leads to better outcomes, and there are a number of proactive steps job seekers from diverse backgrounds can take to feel valued while looking for

Racism may contribute substantially to psychological stress for First Nations people

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 14th December 2022 -  A ground-breaking study in The Lancet also points to the outcomes that are possible when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people lead research into their communities. New research

New mentoring program by and for women of colour aims to heal and transform

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 17th October 2022 -  Women of colour are invited to express their interest in taking part in a new mentorship program designed to address racist barriers in the workplace. A new mentorship program designed

Becoming anti-racist: what businesses can learn from Wellcome

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 12th October 2022 -  Australian for-purpose organisations hav much to learn from a racism crisis at the world’s third largest charitable foundation. In 2020, charitable foundation Wellcome made a

Insurer funds anti-racism program with pulled Collingwood sponsorship

Danielle Kutchel, Tuesday, 12th July 2022 -  The ‘Racism. It Stops with Me’ campaign has been reborn, in part thanks to footy’s racism scandal. Insurance giant CGU has redirected half a million dollars in sponsorship of the Collingwood

Community-driven gathering pushes to decolonise Australia’s philanthropy

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 11th May 2022 -  “You can’t write the way we share our culture and do our business in community. You can’t put that on paper. Sometimes it just needs to be a physical, cultural experience.”

Racism is a public health crisis – but Black death tolls aren’t the answer

Contributor, Wednesday, 16th February 2022 -  There has been a global shift to declare racism a public health crisis. But we need to drill deeper to understand racism, rethink health data and listen to lived experience, write Chelsea

How can you help to fight racism?

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 30th November 2021 -  In episode four of our podcast How Can I Help?, we speak to Dominic Guerrera and Nèha Madhok about what you can do to confront racism. If you are a person of colour in Australia, racism

‘Good people can do bad things unconsciously’: NFPs urged to reflect on racism and implicit bias

Luke Michael, Thursday, 2nd September 2021 -  “It’s hard work, but it’s important work, especially if we really want to create change for different communities and create projects and services that are sustainable”  

Charities urged to create safer environment for people of colour

Luke Michael, Thursday, 1st July 2021 -  New research shows a majority of women of colour experience discrimination in the workplace The not-for-profit sector is in need of a “shakeup” to better reflect the diversity of

Real action needed on Aboriginal deaths in custody

Eddie Cubillo, Thursday, 15th April 2021 -  It’s 30 years since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody but families continue to lose loved ones amid high incarceration rates, making the need for effective action

New Aussie survey shows discrimination persists towards some minorities

Luke Michael, Friday, 5th February 2021 -  The Scanlon Foundation has released its latest Mapping Social Cohesion report There is a “substantial negative sentiment” towards Australians of African, Asian and Middle Eastern
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