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Tag : STEM

The woman changing the STEM gender game

Jonathan Alley, Wednesday, 27th April 2022 -  Dr Ruwangi Fernando has a strong history advocating for diversity and inclusion in STEM. Her belief in giving back to community led her to establish STEM Sisters in 2018, to empower

Mattel Release Robotics Engineer Barbie

Estelle Stathoulis, Friday, 29th June 2018 -  The manufacturer of the famous Barbie doll, has joined forces with not for profit Black Girls Code to create a doll to inspire young girls to pursue Science, Technology Engineering

Five Ways The Future of Work Could Change For Women

Victoria George, Friday, 27th October 2017 -  The last generation saw a significant shift towards equality for women in the Australian workplace, but they remain underrepresented in senior roles, earn less and don’t have as

Australians Fear They Lack Digital Skills to Future Proof Careers

Wendy Williams, Friday, 27th January 2017 -  More than half of Australian workers fear they lack the digital skills to guarantee future employability, according to new research. A report, commissioned by HR and recruitment

How to Keep More Girls in IT at Schools if We’re to Close the Gender Gap

Karin Verspoor, Monday, 11th July 2016 -  The world is increasingly embracing digital technology, and so too are our schools. But many girls are still missing out on developing IT and programming skills, writes University

SACOSS Welcomes SA Budget Jobs Focus But Says It Misses Vulnerable Australians

Wendy Williams, Friday, 8th July 2016 -  The South Australia state budget provides a welcome boost to infrastructure and job creation but misses support for vulnerable Australians, according to SACOSS. The peak body welcomed

Australian Tech Giant TechnologyOne Partners with the Tech Girls Movement

Wendy Williams, Monday, 6th June 2016 -  Not for Profit Tech Girls Movement has teamed up with Australian software giant TechnologyOne as part of their ongoing mission to support the development of a more diverse IT workforce

Innovative Science Intern Program

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 28th August 2014 -  A new industry internship program is being launched by innovation Not for Profit veski and AMSI Intern as part of a new $700,000 Victorian Government initiative to allow more women…
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